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Everything posted by Rkpaxam

  1. Hi All sorry for the (very) late response, turned out whilst it was the better CPU it didnt allow passthrough so i had to downgrade.
  2. Hi Sorry I know its a stupid question, I've started hosting some websites for Jellyfin, nexcloud and so on and I thought why not make myself a website. Mainly for professional purposes as I'm already pointing the domain to dynu from godaddy then to my server I can't build the site with go daddy. so i though mhhm ive heard of wordpress lets use that From what I can see I need MariaDB but its not something I have ever touched and I suspect there will be some nuances running it on Unraid. It doesn't need to be particularly complicated site, just some pictures and Mainly a blog/about me section. Sorry again and thanks for any help.
  3. Has anyone set up Fail2ban with DYNU before as im a little stuck as all refreances point to cloudflare.
  4. it was a Radarr rewriting it thing it turns out then Jellyfin was reading both files!
  5. Rkpaxam

    Torrent Sorting

    Sorted i set all this up when i was new to linux and unraid, turned out to be really easy with Qbittorrent as it has sorting built in i just needed to give radarr/sonar and torrent access to folders and a few new paths ! its not perfect as occasionally one is stored in the root folder but massive improvement.
  6. Rkpaxam

    Torrent Sorting

    wont install the filebot plugin for me
  7. Rkpaxam

    Torrent Sorting

    i did try deluge but i could never getting working right.
  8. Hi So im having the following issue on my new Jellyfin that it shows movies in double, however when i check the folder i see the attached image basically two folders for the same fil, but it was only downloaded once im note sure if this is a torrent thing or a radarr thing . What is going on and how do i fix it so i can bin off please?
  9. ive had this issue with a faulty HDD and torrents overloaded the disk. only way i could shut down was pulling the plug and finding out which disk was faulty.
  10. Rkpaxam

    Torrent Sorting

    Hi im looking for some advice on my torrent setup as im sure im overcomplicating things. i have 4 versions of Qbittorrent 1) Series 2) Films 3) music 4) Other i have it running this was as at the time it was the only way i was able to separate where the files were stored for plex and i didnt want it pulling everything through. is there a way a single instance can do this if so how?
  11. I am having some issues accessing my Nextcloud via the domain name I'm getting the " Access through untrusted domain" Screen. No Matter what I add I cant seem to get access. I have NGINX Proxy Manager running, below is a copy of the config.php 'trusted_domains' => array ( 0 => 'http://nextcloud.XXXXXX.co.uk/', 1 => '', 2 => 'https://nextcloud.XXXXX.co.uk/', 3 => 'http://nextcloud.XXXXXX.co.uk', 4 => 'https://nextcloud.XXXXXX.co.uk', 5 => 'http://nextcloud.XXXXXX.co.uk/login', 6 => 'https://nextcloud.XXXXX.co.uk/login', 7 => 'http://mygtw.co.uk', 8 => '', < This is my NGINX Docker > 9 => '', < This is my NGINX Docker > ), 'datadirectory' => '/var/www/html/data', 'dbtype' => 'sqlite3', 'version' => '', 'overwrite.cli.url' => '', Any Help would be appreciated
  12. So I downloaded the "official" Docker Version from the Unraid App Store Dont change anything yet just let it Run (i have mine on "Privileged" not sure if this make a difference.) Set yourself an account up on Netdata and make a "room" (if you want to monitor remotely if not ignore steps after step 4) Then Stop the container Click Edit the container and enter the following "paths" https://imgur.com/a/6ng8ZmW Now Login to your cloud account and under Integrations > Deploy > Docker & Kubernetes > click Docker * Copy the Docker CLI output and paste it into Notepad or a text editor * click "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device" * Change the type to Variable * For Name and Key paste in NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN *for Value paste in your claim token from your text file *Repeat adding variables and values for NETDATA_CLAIM_URL and NETDATA_CLAIM_ROOMS It will look like the picture above ( This will connect the docker to your account whenever it is stopped or updated, otherwise its a right pain) 6) Save the container DO NOT START! 7) open an Unraid Terminal and paste the following command cd /mnt/cache/appdata/netdata/ mkdir config mkdir cache mkdir lib docker run -d --name netdata_tmp netdata/netdata docker cp netdata_tmp:/etc/netdata /mnt/user/appdata/netdata/cacheconfig/ docker cp netdata:/var/cache/netdata/netdata-meta.db /mnt/user/appdata/netdata/cache/netdata docker cp netdata:/var/lib/netdata /mnt/user/appdata/netdata/lib docker rm -f netdata_tmp chmod 777 -R /mnt/user/appdata/netdata Start your Container ( if it comes up with an error press back on your browser DONT click ok as this removes the container) .. Enjoy something like this https://imgur.com/a/VE5fjql NOTE this does save data if the container is stopped/restarted but for some reason if the container is updated which is daily it looses previous data. If i find a way i will update the thread! Thank you to everyone on Unraid this is everything i found on the forum in one place for ease
  13. i have and followed the guides, no luck with either
  14. Hi Can someone help me set up unraid, it looses its connection to my netdata account with every restart aswel as loosing all its data. I have tried a previous thread but it doesn't stick.
  15. Hi the below doesn't exsisit where would i find sudo cat /var/lib/netdata/netdata_random_session_id the session ID?
  16. Hi I keep getting a warning saying my docker utilisation is high and space is low when i try to add a new container. How do I fix this without removing containers as I have 800gb free on my sdds.
  17. Rkpaxam


    How Do I remove the multi socket option .
  18. Rkpaxam


    Hi All I really want to install Wazuh on my system but i cant find any straight forward instructions to setting up on Unraid. When i had a go i ended up with like 5 docker container running none with a gui?
  19. Hi All the Im having some issues setting up netdata to monitor windows. i cant find the .conf file anywhere in my system despite Docker telling me it should be in the appdata section. Has anyone set this up on unraid to monitor windows, linux machines before ? How to monitor Windows systems with Netdata | Netdata Blog
  20. so quick update. i have got a little further
  21. Hi So i have been trying to set up Rocketchat and i have followed the instructions linked here: www.forums.unraid.net/topic/61337-support-rocketchat/ However i cant get it to boot, can anyone help and advise what im doing wrong? I have to run on its own I.P as ports are in use with AGH.
  22. Bingo went from Edge to Firefox and the box popped up
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