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Posts posted by iJacks

  1. On 12/7/2023 at 6:48 AM, username34793 said:

    Well, actually this turned out to be a pretty easy fix.  It only took somewhere around 16 hours of trial and error to find...


    It seems the Music / music folder thing can cause problems during the container creation.  If there's a music folder already in the directory the scripts will halt because it cannot delete the folder...  I don't know exactly how to explain it but I was able to replicate it a whole lot with a virtual machine.  It was actually in the log I posted below from the beginning but it took me far to long to realize that was the problem.


    I'm not too good at this here Linux stuff.


    Ok, not so an easy fix for me - as removing the Music folder to the sum of nothing ;)  But your response did point me in the right direction :)


    However I decided to start doing some diggy diggy hole...first by removing all of the media folders, then by removing the root folder for my ARM share.  Still nothing...was about to just give up, but then I noticed that there was 1 extra mapped folder:


    /home/arm/logs/ => mnt/user/Media/ARM/Logs
    /home/arm/media/ => mnt/user/Media/ARM/Video
    /home/arm/ => mnt/user/appdata/ARM/
    /home/arm/Music/ => mnt/user/Media/ARM/Music
    /etc/arm/config/ => mnt/user/Media/ARM/Config


    So for anybody else that gets this issue, chances are one of your mapped folders has messed up permissions and it causes the script to fail.  Sadly, for me at least, the script did NOT tell me what folder (or file) was the cause of the problem.



    With regards to MKV profiles, as far as I am aware you do indeed only need to create said file and then add it to the MKV_ARGS option in the arm.yaml config file.  The path will be relative to ARM's Docker setup and the sample they include (MKV_ARGS: "--profile=/opt/arm/default.mmcp.xml") would not be visible externally by default.

  2. 2 hours ago, username34793 said:

    I cannot get this to work at all.  I left the container config at default except for removing the nvidia runtime and adjusting the cd/dvd/bd drive parameters.  Everything appears to be successful and the container will start but I cannot get to the webui no matter what ports I try and inserting a dvd doesn't do anything.


    ARM log below:


    text  error  warn  system  array  login  

    *** Running /etc/my_init.d/10_syslog-ng.init...
    *** Running /etc/my_init.d/arm_user_files_setup.sh...
    rm: cannot remove '/home/arm/music': Is a directory
    *** /etc/my_init.d/arm_user_files_setup.sh failed with status 1

    *** Killing all processes...
    *** Running /etc/my_init.d/10_syslog-ng.init...
    *** Running /etc/my_init.d/arm_user_files_setup.sh...
    rm: cannot remove '/home/arm/music': Is a directory
    *** /etc/my_init.d/arm_user_files_setup.sh failed with status 1

    *** Killing all processes...
    Dec  7 01:39:29 b82e733c525e syslog-ng[13]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.25.1'
    Updating arm user id from 1000 to 99...
    Updating arm group id from 1000 to 100...
    Adding arm user to 'render' group
    Dec  7 01:39:30 b82e733c525e syslog-ng[13]: syslog-ng shutting down; version='3.25.1'
    Dec  7 01:39:35 b82e733c525e syslog-ng[12]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.25.1'
    Updating arm user id from 1000 to 99...
    usermod: no changes
    Updating arm group id from 1000 to 100...
    Adding arm user to 'render' group
    Dec  7 01:39:36 b82e733c525e syslog-ng[12]: syslog-ng shutting down; version='3.25.1'

    ** Press ANY KEY to close this window **


    The most recent updates have caused this, has happened before - no idea what causes it nor how to fix it.  Last time it was sorted in an update a few days later.

  3. On 10/10/2023 at 2:35 PM, daftwally said:



    I'm trying to set this up but when I try to install it I get this error: docker: Error response from daemon: Unknown runtime specified nvidia.


    Am I missing something?




    This took me a while to work out, I was about to just give up.  So, my server has an old (and I do mean old) nVidia Quadro card - something I do mean to change at some point but that's a seperate issue.


    So, first thing I did was install the nVidia driver from the Apps section of Unraid - even though my card is not supported.  This allowed me to install ARM, but not run it (not a surprise that it wouldn't run - as I said the card is not supported).  Then, I went back to my docker containers and edited the installed ARM container - in the top right I enabled advanced view (clicking the basic view text to switch mode).  After this I went down to the Extra Parameters and remove the --runtime nvidia flag - see my screenshot below.  This left just two --device parameters.


    And, with that done - ARM is working again!  Now I do intend to try this again after removing the nVidia driver and the ARM container - honestly I am not sure if I can enable the advanced view to remove the --runtime flag during install, so I want to check - plus I don't want a useless driver installed ;)




    Just checked with a separate app, and when doing the install you can go into advanced mode - so the whole nVidia driver thing is not required at all.



  4. 1 hour ago, welfare said:

    Not sure if this will help but in the ARM settings then Ripper there is a section it says ABCDE_CONFIG_FILE:    I wonder if settting that to /home/arm/config/abcde.conf it would work.


    Sadly, just setting that didn't work - but I have been mucking about and have made some significant progress.


    Firstly I think you should remove "Container Path 1", there is no reason to expose the /etc/ARM/config folder - unless we want to edit arm.yaml or apprise.yaml directly.  This folder also contains the abcde.conf, but you will never see it as it's owned exclusively by root (doesn't appear in the share, but it is there).


    Secondly a new Container Path should be added pointing to "/home/arm/config" - this is where a custom abcde.conf file should sit - BUT - there is an issue on the ARM GitHub around this not working, something to do with simlink.  My Linux knowledge starts to get sketchy at this point, but when I edit the template and add a new container path for "/home/arm/config" pointed to my share, add a custom personal_abcde.config, and then modify the ripper setting for the ABCDE_CONFIG_FILE variable to "/home/arm/config/personal_abcde.config" it works like a champ!  Well, sort of, from my Windows box the file permissions were not quite right so I had to drop into the console and chmod so it was also owned by root and had execute permissions.


    One thing I was not able to resolve was the Music => music folder.  I edited the "Container Path 4" of the docker template to point to /home/arm/music - and this seemed to work at first.  But, as soon as I tried to rip a CD it exploded.  Something was still creating a "Music" folder - and the log was not happy claiming it could not create a folder in "music".  No idea what is going on there!  For now I've set this back to "/home/arm/Music" and updated my personal_abcde.conf to the correct folder.


    Hope the above gives you some ideas.


    I've also already ripped DVD's and BluRay's, works perfectly - not using Handbrake as my Tdarr is already set to transcode my video files - but having ARM on Unraid is saving a ton of time!


    And I think I can speak for everyone when I say I seriously appreciate you creating this template!

  5. @deano_southafrican


    Your spot on regarding the web UI port - no idea how that's going to be fixed as the port is stored inside the arm.yaml file.  However, as a fix you can edit the docker instance for ARM, then enable Advanced view (top right) and there will be a WebUI parameter - it defaults to http://[IP]:[PORT:8088]/ but if you change that port number to the one you want the WebUI link will then work correctly.  Apologies if you already knew this.


    @welfare I've just run into a fairly major issue, there was an update to the container - so I updated...and ALL of my settings and stats were were nuked.  Even the password was reset back to the default - considering I had a customised abcde.conf this was a real PITA (not the end of the world).


    I have also noticed that the config is not respected, for example my abcde.conf path (in Ripper Settings) is set to: /home/arm/config/abcde.conf - but when I use the abcde Config tab and hit save I see this in the log: DEBUG ARM: settings.save_abcde routes.save_abcde: Saving new abcde.conf: /etc/arm/config/abcde.conf.  The file in /etc/arm/config is also still used when an Audio CD is ripped.


    I've had a look at the GitHub source, but I'm not overly familiar with Python, and have not been able to find the code the makes reference to said config file - if I did I would try to fix it myself and then do a PR.  Though I'm not giving up on trying to fix this myself.

  6. Hi All, Unraid newbie here - just got my server physically setup and started getting unraid up and running.  Everything has gone well until...I tried to copy files to the new shares from my old NAS.


    The frustrating thing is that I have already been able to copy over 50GB of my RAW images (Canon EOS 7D in case anybody wonders), no issues, good enough speed.


    Now I am trying tom copy over my music...and I'm starting to run into issues.  I've included the log entries that show up with one of the files that won't go over, no matter what I try.


    I've got 3 8TB disks for my main array.  1 as parity, the other 2 formatted with XFS.  And a single 1TB SSD as a cache - this will probably be expanded in the future, but for now is just fine.


    Apr  6 13:39:35 QuasarFire  smbd[14031]: [2023/04/06 13:39:35.203427,  0] ../../source3/smbd/files.c:1199(synthetic_pathref)
    Apr  6 13:39:35 QuasarFire  smbd[14031]:   synthetic_pathref: opening [Music/Various Artists/Descent Community Album/D1T1 - Ganymede.mp3] failed
    Apr  6 13:39:35 QuasarFire  shfs: share cache full
    Apr  6 13:39:35 QuasarFire  smbd[14031]: [2023/04/06 13:39:35.313956,  0] ../../source3/modules/vfs_streams_xattr.c:944(streams_xattr_pwrite)
    Apr  6 13:39:35 QuasarFire  smbd[14031]:   streams_xattr_pwrite: Write to xattr [user.DosStream.01APIC_03.jpg:$DATA] on file [Music/Various Artists/Descent Community Album/D1T1 - Ganymede.mp3] exceeds maximum supported extended attribute size. Depending on filesystem type and operating system (OS) specifics, this value may be increased using the value of the parameter: smbd max xattr size = <bytes>. Consult OS and filesystem manpages prior to increasing this limit.


    What is really getting my goat is that if I try to copy other files they go over just fine, so it's clearly something to do with these files (and probably others, I've got several TB's of data to move over).


    Also, I never realised that the Pool devices had a minimum file size - which I think is why it first complains about "share cache full", but the option for Minimum free space on the cache pool is disabled - how do I go about setting this value now?


    Hope somebody can point me in the right direction, many thanks in advance.

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