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  1. Pulling may have not been the right word. I get an error saying that docker is unable to find image locally. I didnt use OpenDNS addresses and instead used Cloudflares just out of habit but I'll try OpenDNS to see if that helps
  2. So far I have tried switching my docker from using a btrfs image to using a folder since I saw thats what someone suggested here but that has not changed anything. It also seems that the only containers giving me issue with pulling are from linuxserver.io since I seem to be able to pull from others just fine.
  3. I have run into an issue with my docker containers where for some reason whenever I try to reinstall certain docker images I am not able to find any locally and then I am given an error message saying the connection timed out. I am able to install other containers but I'm not sure why. enigma-diagnostics-20240213-1421.zip
  4. I may or may not have found the culprit but I'm still not too sure about how to fix it. Whenever I reboot everything is fine but this one VM that I created a long time ago when my Unraid was on a different system that I recently deleted keeps reappearing and everything works fine until I try and delete that VM again.
  5. I have recently migrated my unraid server a couple of times and for some reason now docker containers that I have autostart start up just fine but if i try adding or starting another container I get a vague error saying there was a server error. I looked at the logs and it says there is an issue with my cache drives but the SMART health and Scrub say they are fine or maybe it's the docker image itself. enigma-diagnostics-20231231-2322.zip
  6. Thanks for the reply. I tried rebooting into Safe Mode and noticed there was a Plugin that was having issues installing so I tried uninstalling it and will report back if I still have any issues.
  7. I have this problem where my Unraid server keeps crashing and I can't seem to find out why. The only thing I have been able to gather is it has something to do with nginx. I have setup a syslog server and have attached the log since the most recent crash and have also attached the diagnostics. syslog enigma-diagnostics-20231130-1715.zip
  8. I didnt know there was an option in the GUI so I typed it in to the terminal but I think I got everything working and found the culprit that was causing the issue and now the scrub isnt giving me any errors. xfs_repair also seemed to fix my one corrupt data drive.
  9. That seemed to fix my cache, thanks. For the scrub would I just type in btrfs scrub /dev/sdc1
  10. I had a situation with an unclean shutdown recently and I started having issues similar to the guy from this post where one of my drives became unmountable as well as the drives in my cache. I see that using xfs_repair is what helped him with his issue but I want to be sure this is what I need to do to fix my issue so I don't go breaking my array or whatever. What would I need to do to help restore my cache since it is using Btrfs instead of xfs? I have posted my diagnostics if needed. enigma-diagnostics-20231007-1736.zip
  11. Did you find a board that works with your HBA? I have the same one with a 12900K and have had the same issue with two boards from ASUS
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