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Posts posted by fatyungjesus

  1. 16 hours ago, ich777 said:


    As you can see in the template only UDP ports are needed to be forwarded.

    Just a warning, some game servers will block you from connecting when forwarding a protocol that isn't needed.


    Where do the ports show up as closed? Please keep in mind that game server use their own proprietary protocol and are not like Plex, they won't answer to sites which check if ports are open to the outside world.


    Please note that every router supports hairpin NAT, have you yet tried to connect from outside of your LAN and see if it is working. Maybe the server is working fine from outside your network and internally you have to use the LAN IP to connect to it.


    Some ISPs even block the communication on UDP ports or certain ports.


    EDIT: Please turn off validation, this is only for troubleshooting reasons there or when the server is not properly updating. By leaving that on you are forcing a check from the game files every startup, that causes strain on the disk, your Internet connection and the start up from the container will also take way longer.

    When it comes to the ports, I tried it with UDP only and it wasn't working, so I enabled both just to see if it would help. I've been checking them with the open port check tool at yougetsignal.com , I use that for work so I just defaulted to it, didn't think about the fact that it wouldn't work with these servers. 


    I have been using the LAN IP to connect locally, I think my UDM-Pro might support hairpin NAT, but I don't really see a reason to enable it or set it up when I can just access everything over the LAN. 


    I've been having friends externally try to connect to the server as well, and they aren't able to connect, which is how I know I still have some network setting configuration issues of some kind. 


    I'm pretty sure that I'm having issues on the server side because my homeassistant docker port forwarding worked perfectly, but maybe my UDM is interfering somehow, I have my ATT modem in IP passthrough and to my knowledge that means it shouldn't be stopping anything whatsoever, and it is passing my WAN ip to the UDM correctly. 


    I did turn off validation as well, thanks for the tip. 


    Do you recall anyone having similar issues? I'm genuinely not even sure which tree to be barking up, regardless thanks for the help! 


    I've attached my log file just in case its helpful. 




  2. 20 hours ago, ich777 said:

    May I ask why you are using br0? bridge should be perfectly fine.


    Just focus on one server for now.

    What ports, IP and protocol did you forward in the case for Valheim in your router?


    The question marks are displayed because you are using br0

    I did initial setup using br0 because it was recommended in this setup guide I found: https://unraid.net/fr/blog/unraid-valheim-dedicated-server


    For the valheim server, I have ports 2456-2458 opened, on both TCP/UDP. Originally I had them forwarded to the ip I was creating for the container using br0. However I did try to set it up in bridge as you mentioned, and then I forwarded those ports to the servers host ip, sadly still showing port closed. Here's a screenshot of my port forwarding settings for Valheim. 




    I figured I'd also attach these screenshots of the rest of the configuration, as it may shed some light. 


    Thanks again, 


    - Fatyungjesus







  3. Hello!

    I'm new here, just spun up my first home unraid server, and I'm having some trouble when it comes to being able to setup external connections to game servers.


    I've tried Valheim, CS:GO and Zomboid, and I've followed the posted guides and triple checked my setup. The servers are absolutely spinning up, and I can access them locally, but I cant seem to get any external access. At first I thought I was just having some port forwarding issues on my router side, but then I forwarded my homeassistant and it worked perfectly instantly, which leads me to believe I'm doing something wrong when I'm setting up the game servers, not the port forwarding. 

    I feel like the issue has something to do with all those question marks around docker allocations, but I don't have a shred of a clue if I'm even on the remotely right trail. 


    Thanks in advance for any advice, have a good one, 






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