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  1. Hey all, My first post here since I am quite new to Unraid. So far, I am very happy and most things were very smooth. However, I encountered a problem with the Dropbox docker. Based on the information above using the compose method to install an old version and prevent updates, and later update the docker. Everything seemed to be fixed and I synced almost 2 TB from my Dropbox to my Unraid NAS (according to the log). After syncing finished, I could not find the files back anywhere on my NAS. Therefore, I decided to delete the Dropbox docker. Interestingly, and annoyingly, the 2 TB of synced files remained somewhere on my NAS and I cannot find them anywhere. They should be on disk 1 (8 TB HDD: 5.4 TB used & 2.6 TB free), which contains 5 folders (appdata; domains; ios; NAS, my data share; system). In Krusader, the total volume of these 5 folders is about 3.4 TB. This means that those 2 TB of Dropbox files are still located somewhere on that HDD, but not visible. Does anybody know how how to locate and delete these rogue files? In advance, thank you very much for your help and advise. PS: This is the text from docker compose and the folders were created, but did not increase in size during/after synchronization. volumes: - /mnt/disk1/Dropbox/config:/opt/Dropbox/.dropbox - /mnt/disk1/Dropbox/data:/opt/Dropbox/Dropbox
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