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  1. Hello, i searched for the exact same (im running a gameserver docker for my friends and sometimes the server have to be restarted) Im also hosting nextcloud so i created a user for them where if they need to restart they just create the file restart.txt the script: #!/bin/bash # Name of the Docker container CONTAINER_NAME="CoreKeeper" # Path to the watch file RESTART_FILE="/mnt/nvmepool/appdata/nextcloud/data/corekeeper/files/restart.txt" # Infinite loop to check for the file while true; do if [ -f "$RESTART_FILE" ]; then echo "File $RESTART_FILE found. Restarting the Docker container..." # Restart the Docker container docker restart $CONTAINER_NAME # Delete the file to reset the process rm -f "$RESTART_FILE" echo "Docker container has been restarted and the file has been deleted." fi # Wait for 60 seconds before checking again sleep 60 done UPDATE: do it as userscript in settings and forget that below In Unraid you open the console and create the restartdockercontainer.sh Create new file and paste the code inside nano restartdockercontainer.sh CTRL+X and save it with Y use following command so the script can be executed chmod +x restartdockercontainer.sh you then can run it with nohup ./restartdockercontainer.sh & if you restart your unraid maschine u would need to start it again, you can check if it is running with command ps and kill it with kill <id>
  2. hello may you can fix the monero-gui? ---Something went wrong, can't download Monero-GUI, putting container in sleep mode---
  3. i have the same problem now, and nice my server is down! great ... im very angry even because the usb key which is recommended in guides FAILED. the first key was a sandisk but it had a GUID problem... and now i cant replace license... such a bullshit
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