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  1. Probably a stupid question, but is there anything further to the install process I'm meant to be doing, other than just running the install from Community Applications? I downloaded through CA, enabled it in the Plugin settings, but my share does not show in the Shares panel at the bottom. And after deleting multiple text files with text in, and an image file, nothing has showed up in the log section at all. No .recycle.bin folder has been created on my share either. Do I need to restart my array or something to have everything propogate properly? Seems I did. Whoops. All looks to be working after a full reboot. Other question: Wouldn't enabling "Update Recycle Bin Size in the Background" spin up my drives every time it checks? If I wanted to keep my disks spun down as much as possible, should I keep the option on or off?
  2. Yet another old necro (Apologies!), but this seems like the best thread for talking about this device in particular. How's it going for you these days? Considering running the same myself, though with an AS6604T instead of an 670. The OP mentions that the LEDs on the front don't work: Does that include the LCD screen? Does it just not display anything at all?
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