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  1. Hi. Thanks for responding to me. I followed SpaceInvaderOne's youtube tutorial of how to forward one container into another container. I changed the ports on my wireguard-client container. Here is what it looks like:
  2. Hello, Unraid community. I am using Unraid, and I have seen the wonderful abilities of docker containers. I am having a problem with a VPN set up that I have. Currently, I have a wireguard client container running a Private Internet Access VPN. It is functioning, and when I check the public ip address, it indeed points to a VPN ip. I am trying to run a container of jdownloader2 through the network of the wireguard container. I used portainer to get the container to run behind the VPN. The problem that I am having is this: Even though the jdownloader container is running, I cannot access the web GUI through <local ip>:7807 in the web browser. Oddly enough I have tailscale running on Unraid, as well. I had a hunch that the container was working, but just not with the local network. I connected to the tailscale network with a different device, and when I tried to hit the port of the jdownloader container on the Unraid server when I was connected to the tailscale network I was able to access the web GUI. I'm confused why the tailscale VPN can access the container, but anything on the local network cannot launch the GUI. Can someone help me, please?
  3. I got a new hard drive. It is larger than the old parity drive. I rebuilt the array on the new drive successfully! When I put the old parity drive in the array so that I could expand it, it rewrote over the parity drive. However, now I do not have the ability to mount the drive (see picture.) Can you help me to fix this error, and mount it as a new drive in the array? I have attached the diagnostics .zip file to this message. unraid-diagnostics-20230608-2010.zip
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