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Everything posted by wbgwwd

  1. Biggie I haven't done this before, can you give me the detailed steps?
  2. Now there is a new problem, in the system when I start the bind reboot unraid, he gives this error
  3. Why would I, after installing it under 6.12.4 the way you did, get this error when starting unraid.
  4. I am trying to restore tiles that have been deleted, such as docker.
  5. The docker and vms tiles in the unraid 6.12.4 dashboard are turned off, to take them out how do I take them out? Placed it there in the display settings to no avail. Can that guru help me?
  6. It's all working fine for me on this version 6.11.5.
  7. It's all I have. I can't fill it in the way you did.
  8. The big guy helped me look at what seems to be an error in the an starting.
  9. 帮帮我吧。我按照你的方法做的,好像没效果。 wbgtower-syslog-20231022-0818.zip
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