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  1. @i ii AFAIK they have not released the files yet and don't plan to until 1.0 drops. I will definitely take a crack at it once they become available since this is on my personal list to spin up and play with my friends.
  2. I took a stab at it and got it working: https://github.com/jcoker85/UnraidGameServers/tree/sunkenland All you should need to do is add the template XML manually in your dockerMan/templates-user folder (I just use the CLI and create a file with nano and then copy the contents in there), use the Add Container button in the Docker section, and select the Sunkenland template. If you have any issues just log them on Github. Maybe they made some sort of polling API relay to do server-client communication because it works without forwarding a port, but I did notice if I forwarded 27015 I got a lot less latency with my computer locally connected to my network. When isolating it using my cellular hotspot, I didn't notice any difference though. I have no idea what's going on behind the scenes and they didn't publish any port settings (plus I ain't no network engineer), but hopefully they will publish some additional documentation as time goes on. @ich777 Hope you don't mind me posting this here, and thanks again for all your stuff!
  3. Nah, I didn't mess with the runtimes to be honest with you. I'm sure there could be some simplification with more testing. No worries, just wanted to throw it out there if you were interested. I'll give Squid a shout at some point, I also have another server to throw up there in case anyone else wants it for Goldeneye Source. Again, thank you for all the work that you do to make our lives better with Unraid!
  4. Hey ich777, I saw that you got Icarus working and that gave me some impetus to finally get off my Windows VM that I had running alongside my Docker containers. The only other thing I needed to move off was Swords 'n Magic and Stuff which is another UE game, so I was able to create a working version easily basing it off your Icarus branch. It's available here: https://github.com/jcoker85/docker-steamcmd-server/tree/swordsnmagicandstuff I can PR it in if you want to make a branch for it if you're interested. All you should need is to move the Unraid template and image files to your docker-templates repo; I think I left everything else alone. Oh, and if you want to host the docker image in your own Docker repo and change that in the template to fully take ownership, that's cool too.
  5. That is some seriously good tech support. Working fine now. Thank you!
  6. @ich777 For some reason I noticed the Colony Survival image is not liking the following: if [ ! -f ${DATA_DIR}/.steam/sdk64/steamclient.so ]; then echo "---Moving files in place---" if [ ! -d ${DATA_DIR}/.steam/sdk64 ]; then mkdir ${DATA_DIR}/.steam/sdk64 fi cp ${SERVER_DIR}/linux64/steamclient.so ${DATA_DIR}/.steam/sdk64/steamclient.so I fixed it by adding -p to mkdir command, not sure why the directory structure changed but the .steam directory was not there when I logged into the container after it failed to boot up. It was definitely working before without needing -p.
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