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Everything posted by leuwk88

  1. Thanks for the info, though I'm not really sure this solves my problem. As mentioned, I was hoping to restrict the Unraid Web Interface to ETH0 (and perhaps SSH etc), and have other services such as SMB only accessible on the ETH1 interface. On my server these two interfaces connect to do different networks, ETH0 being on a restricted 'management' network, and ETH1 being on my 'home' network. I don't want people on the home network to be able to access the Unraid web interface or attempt SSH connections etc. This should only be possible from the management network. Hope this makes sense?
  2. I tried this as well but had no luck unfortunately. I have since upgrade to 6.12.3. May I ask what you meant by 'Management services listen on specific IP addresses by default'? I am hoping for a way to restrict management access to ETH0 interface only, and have docker, VMs etc accessible via ETH1.
  3. Does this still work in Unraid version 6.11.5? I have tried using your gist file as is but receive the following error when restarting nginx: bash: /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx: cannot execute: required file not found If I merge the missing BIND_MGT references into my existing rc.nginx config, I can restart nginx fine, but then lose complete access to the Unraid GUI on all interfaces. Am I missing something? rc.nginx
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