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Posts posted by dracon

  1. Create AI bots (currently via ChatGPT) for various messaging platforms e.g. Discord, Telegram etc.

    It abstracts the complexities of API connections, vector searching, etc. allowing you to focus on creating and designing the bots through a simple interface.


    Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/catalinbertadev/panko-gpt/general

    Discord: https://eq6w.short.gy/discord-invite


    It uses mongodb atlas, so running the container requires to pass a mongodb url. 

    While it works if you supply a local mongodb url (or some other community edition mongpdb url), I strongly recommend to use the cloud version mongodb atlas (you can use the free tier), because vector searching is only available in the cloud version and you can personalize the bots much better using vector searching. Sorry, this is a limitation from mongodb.


    Once setup, in the WebUI you will be able to create bots by filling a form.

    For Discord bots, you will need to have a bot key that you can get from the discord developer applications

    For Telegram all you need to do it is message BotFather and you can create bots/keys on the fly.


    A few known gotchas:

    - to setup vector search, you need to create mongodb atlas api keys

    - make sure you give the keys Owner permission (as it will create the index for you)

    - make sure you whitelist your server ip (where panko-gpt is running) in Network Access (by default, it whitelists the IP the account gets created from)

    - you need to make the discord bot join a server first, this app only handles the communication part


    After a few user tests, I've realized that the setup can be cumbersome, so I will try to abstract all of this away in future versions


    The code will be available open source on GitHub soon.


    Happy to assist with any issues here or on Discord for more interactive support.

    And any feedback is highly appreciated and helpful! Thanks






  2. On 4/9/2020 at 12:43 AM, Ghostly2002 said:


    I have the same probs with that. Unraid 6.8.3. All Vm´s that switched from or to GPU Passthrough to VNC back have the problems. I find out that after switching the Grafik output the "bus" from  0x00 chnaged to 0x07. With these settings the vms dosen´t work. After change the bus back to 0x00 the vm works fine. If the bus 0x00 is occupied, change the slot to 2 or 3. Sorry for my bad english :-) <model type='qxl' ram='65536' vram='65536' vgamem='16384' heads='1' primary='yes'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x0'/>


    This also did it for me after switching from GPU to VNC back and forth. So setting the bus back to 0x00 did it.

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