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Posts posted by Tybio

  1. On 4/25/2019 at 9:56 PM, shooga said:

    I did something very similar to my own BPN-DE350SS cages - even used the same fans. The only difference is that I used a flat sheet of foam that I cut holes in. Got this at a local hardware store and it worked great. I also saw great improvements in temps and noise levels (these cages were pretty terrible stock). Pics are here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/gpkAiMNTGXSQds4x6


    Incidentally, mine are for sale if anyone wants them.

    Very cool!  Thanks for sharing, that would likely be a lot simpler than my solution...though both would have similar end results :)

  2. Hey, quick question.


    I just added the apcupsd exporter and I'm getting an error. Not sure if this is because I'm using a cyberpower UPS or what:


    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/src/apcupsd-influxdb-exporter.py", line 36, in <module>
    'BATTV': float(ups['BATTV']),
    KeyError: 'BATTV'

    This is what I have in my apcaccess if that matters:


    root@Storage:/mnt/user/AppData/Config/scripts# apcaccess
    APC      : 001,033,0821
    DATE     : 2019-02-01 15:40:38 -0800
    HOSTNAME : Storage
    VERSION  : 3.14.14 (31 May 2016) slackware
    UPSNAME  : Storage
    CABLE    : USB Cable
    DRIVER   : USB UPS Driver
    UPSMODE  : Stand Alone
    STARTTIME: 2019-01-27 04:40:04 -0800
    MODEL    : OR1500PFCLCD
    LINEV    : 120.0 Volts
    LOADPCT  : 11.0 Percent
    BCHARGE  : 100.0 Percent
    TIMELEFT : 68.0 Minutes
    MBATTCHG : 10 Percent
    MINTIMEL : 10 Minutes
    MAXTIME  : 600 Seconds
    OUTPUTV  : 120.0 Volts
    DWAKE    : -1 Seconds
    LOTRANS  : 100.0 Volts
    HITRANS  : 132.0 Volts
    ALARMDEL : No alarm
    NUMXFERS : 1
    XONBATT  : 2019-01-30 05:02:27 -0800
    TONBATT  : 0 Seconds
    CUMONBATT: 8 Seconds
    XOFFBATT : 2019-01-30 05:02:35 -0800
    STATFLAG : 0x05000008
    SERIALNO : GX1HS2000054
    NOMINV   : 120 Volts
    NOMPOWER : 1050 Watts
    END APC  : 2019-02-01 15:40:46 -0800



  3. 21 minutes ago, SonicUK said:

    I think for now i'm going to forget trying to transcode 4k HEVC on the fly, wait till everything else catches up, and instead build a NAS to store both 4k and 1080p versions of media.


    A very reasonable plan, as I said above, I've done the upgrade and I'm having to do the same thing. 


    You do need to keep separate libraries by the way, you can't just use plex "Versions" of the movie as Plex is /stupid/ about picking which one to play.  If there isn't a direct play option, and it is going to transcode...the selection of which version to transcode is lacking any brains.  Some people say it is the "first" version added to plex, and others say it always transcodes the best file....either way, you can't get predictable behavior at the moment when you have multiple versions in the same library.


    For example, I have a movie with a 1080p and 4k HDR version.  Transcoding down to iphone via LTE levels (so the lowest 720p option or lower) my server started transcoding the 4k HDR version......

  4. 9 hours ago, burg3 said:


    can you check comments below this review: https://www.servethehome.com/supermicro-x11sca-f-review-for-intel-xeon-e-2100-and-core-i3-8300/3/


    There is a comment about an option in BIOS, which could allow BMC graphics for KVM and IGPU for transcoding or passthrough to VM.

    What is not clear if BMC KVM remains accessible when this is option us set. I think BMC KVM will not work once IGPU is used in unraid (but should work during boot process?), but maybe it can?

    Can you please check and report your findings?

    Very interesting, 


    Going to do some testing today, I have a small monitor I can connect for the moment as I don't have a display emulator plug handy...but I should be able to replicate the setup.  Will report back.

  5. On 1/26/2019 at 2:00 PM, LunchB0xK1ller said:

    10 GbE card in the server and the main workstation with a direct attach copper cable with help with transfer performance.


    This, if you are looking for transfer TO/From the server...if you are talking about mover putting stuff in the protected array then that's a very different question ;).

  6. Some clarifications that I've found:


    1. If you are using an IPMI board that has console redirection, odds are that you will lose remote console to enable this
    2. You /can/ use an NVidia card, but it has to be passed through to a VM.  If you use a GTX/RTX you can only get 2 streams, if you use a P2000 you can do 15+ with ease
      1. The VM must be windows, as Linux doesn't support both encode and decode in hardware with Nvidia (As stated above in thread)
    3. Even with hardware transcoding there are issues:
      1. Plex does not properly deal with HDR, so if you are transcoding 4k TV you should be fine, but 4k Movies with HDR will look like /crap/ when transcoded (Colors totally washed out, not even worth watching IMHO).  No update from Plex on if this is even going to be addressed.
      2. A lot of devices have issues with profiles at this point.  For instance, I can transcode a 4k HDR movie to 720p at 8x+ speeds, UNLESS it is transcoding for my kids Firestick and then it is stuck at .8 (So buffering with one core on the CPU at 100%).  This is something to do with the available profiles plex sees for that client.  FTR: Shield and Roku all seem to work cleanly....TV apps are hit and miss.

    I just wanted to toss this up here, as it seems a lot of people find this thread when looking into HW transcoding...you can find more details scattered about the forums on each of these issues with a search!


  7. Yea, the P2000 would be in a windows VM and passedthrough so it has no impact at the unraid level.  


    It looks like with an iGPU and BMC, you have either/or.  With a PCI-E vid card and BMC you can have both but it is driver dependent, but I've not tested this and have no intention too.  If I can't get iGPU and BMC then I only have two paths:


    1> accept IPMI is mostly pointless for me

    2> I have to move away from iGPU

  8. Confirmed, Supermicro has stated this is the expected behavior...you can't have a remote console and iGPU.  I think I'll likely be in the market for a P2000 at some point later this year, looking toward the next release of Ryzen or TR.  If I'm going to have all these limitations, I might as well go for PCI-E lanes so I can work around them....sad to say.

  9. I'll keep you updated on the IPMI...and I also agree on the VM solution, it has some down-sides, but honestly...it is looking like a VM with a P2000 would have been a much better solution for this moment in time...then I could have remote console, and gone with any CPU I might like down the road :/

  10. So I've been working with Supermicro on the IPMI problem, and bad news.  Right now it seems you have a choice...use the BMC's Video adapter and get remote console /OR/ use the iGPU.  If you use the IPMI video adapter, you don't seem to have access to the iGPU once the OS is booted...


    This is a REAL issue for me, one I'm working with their support team to sort out...but at this point, it looks like remote console OR hardware transcoding...but not both.  I hope there is a way around that or this board was freaking pointless :).

  11. It seems to be platform indipendent.  For instance my Nvidia Shield TV (One of the best players on the market) direct plays them fine, but the transcoded versions playing on the same device look washed out.  Same thing for browser viewing.  It doesn't seem to be a "client" issue, but more a transcoding issue...the transcoder is not mapping the tone between HDR and SDR..so when the client gets it they don't get the HDR metadata /and/ the default tone mapping in the transcoder is putting out crap colors.


    For reference: https://forums.plex.tv/t/hevc-4k-playback-washed-out-colors/220912/22


    So right now, any HDR content being transcoded will look washed out...see the screen shots in that thread.  4k that isn't HDR will be fine.


    So I can transcode 4k HDR/SDR content at 8x+ (So always throttled in PMS), but with HDR content the playback is crap.  


    As a note, I'm unsure if the HDR issue would be resolved on a transcoding session where the client supports HDR...as that is likely the most limited of corner cases in this day and age, I'm not sure it matters :).

  12. Recommendation to all, before you upgrade for 4k transcoding..please be sure to look into tone mapping issues.  Though the 2176G I have can transcode 4k, with Plex (and thus all others as far as I know as Plex is the best on the fly transcoding around) 4k HDR video content will look horrid after being transcoded.  It is washed out and dark.  The reason for this is the HDR translation, right now there isn't any...so unless the client can understand HDR, the picture is going to look bad. 


    I've even seen this on my Nvidia Shield.  I can direct play and it is perfectly handled by my shield TV (I have a 1080p TV right now, so everything is being converted until the super bowl sales!).  When I select another quality profile, like 720p in Plex to force transcoding...the video plays fine, but is totally washed out and just dull looking.  


    I've not found a solution as yet, so even if the processor "CAN" do 4k transcoding real time...the resulting video may not be worth the effort.

  13. No luck on the IPMI console over HTML5 or java.  I'm going to open a case with SM on Monday.


    I got 32G of ECC RAM From Supermicro, they were $200 a stick.  If you are just doing dockers and not VMs then consider 2x8G sticks, you can always add 2 more later to get to 32G....but with just dockers running there is really no need for 32G...even 16G is swimming with head room :).

  14. Thanks to the IPMI plugin I now have solid fan control, the update makes this board 100% functional for a quit unraid server!


    The only outstanding issue left is with the KVM setup.  I can't get any console redirection to work via HTML5 or Java applet.  THink I'm going to open a case with supermicro.

  15. 3 minutes ago, dmacias said:
    9 minutes ago, Tybio said:
    Odd, I did a full reset...meaning not just a reboot but powering down the system and unplugging it to force the BMC to reset and it seems to work now!  Sorry for the false alarm....testing to make sure each side responds properly ATM.

    You need to set the lower thresholds for the fans with the sensor editor. The bmc will keep kicking them up to full speed. Set them to 200 or 300 rpms

    I had them fixed for all the headers (100/100/100)...it looks like the bmc reset is what was needed.  I forgot I could do that from the UI!

  16. As a note, I set both the minimum PWM to 50%...as far as I know that should be fine for the FANs in my case....it was able to go lower with CPU control, so I don't think I'm hitting the erred state...it just feels like the IPMI full speed setting is being re-applied or something.



  17. Ok, I re-wored my fan headers this morning, the system side fans are all in the "CPU" ports, and the drive side is in a "SYS" header.


    The result is all fans on full, it sounds like they are spinning down a bit when the timer hits for the IPMI plugin, but then they spool back up to full.  Is there a special switch I need to dig out to stop the MB from resetting them to 100%?


    2019-01-02 06:10:05 Starting Fan Control
    2019-01-02 06:10:05 Setting fans to full speed
    2019-01-02 06:10:15 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(40%):HDD Temp(28°C), FANA(40%):HDD Temp(28°C)
    2019-01-02 06:11:26 fan control config file updated, reloading settings
    2019-01-02 06:11:26 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(43%):CPU Temp(30°C), FANA(40%):HDD Temp(28°C)
    2019-01-02 06:11:46 fan control config file updated, reloading settings
    2019-01-02 06:11:46 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(46%):CPU Temp(33°C), FANA(48%):HDD Temp(28°C)
    2019-01-02 06:12:46 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(47%):CPU Temp(34°C), FANA(48%):HDD Temp(28°C)
    2019-01-02 06:13:06 fan control config file updated, reloading settings
    2019-01-02 06:13:56 fan control config file updated, reloading settings
    2019-01-02 06:13:56 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(61%):CPU Temp(33°C), FANA(48%):HDD Temp(28°C)
    2019-01-02 06:14:16 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(59%):CPU Temp(31°C), FANA(48%):HDD Temp(28°C)
    2019-01-02 06:15:57 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(60%):CPU Temp(32°C), FANA(48%):HDD Temp(28°C)
    2019-01-02 06:16:17 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(60%):CPU Temp(32°C), FANA(45%):HDD Temp(27°C)
    2019-01-02 06:16:47 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(59%):CPU Temp(31°C), FANA(45%):HDD Temp(27°C)
    2019-01-02 06:17:27 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(62%):CPU Temp(34°C), FANA(45%):HDD Temp(27°C)
    2019-01-02 06:17:37 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(59%):CPU Temp(31°C), FANA(45%):HDD Temp(27°C)


  18. 12 hours ago, dmacias said:

    I updated the plugin to support your boards fan names.  Give it a try and let me know.


    edit:  The fan control settings page displays CPU_FAN and SYS_FAN but the fan control log will still show FAN1234 for CPU_FAN and FANA for SYS_FAN.

    I just updated, looks good!  I'll open the system and re-position the fans today or tomorrow and turn on control to test.


    Thanks for the quick update!

  19. Confirmed!  I've got a 250G NVME drive in the top slot by the CPU and a 4x card installed.  There is also a drive on every on-board SATA port, though that shouldn't matter as it is an NVMe.


    As a note, I tried it in the other M.2 port and it DID knock out the 4x slot (So I had no net)





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