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Everything posted by xjp99

  1. Everything seems happy. I got all disks rebuild. Not sure if I ended up with any data loss. My configs for prowlarr, radarr, sonarr and vaultwarden were missing. Thanks for the help.
  2. UPDATE: OK, I decided to disable VMs on this server and just use this one for a document/media server. I will build a second server for virtualization. I managed to do a parity rebuild on Parity 1 disk and it completed successfully. I am not so lucky on disk 5. It still says the disk is "disabled and the contents are emulated." I also have an error on one of the cache drives that I am not sure how to fix. smithserver-diagnostics-20230924-0550.zip
  3. Ok. Side issue. I am getting this error when trying to stop the array: Sep 19 11:33:17 SmithServer kernel: XFS (md4p1): metadata I/O error in "xfs_buf_ioend+0x111/0x384 [xfs]" at daddr 0x80 len 32 error 5
  4. I will also add that I removed the 2 drives that were erroring out. The UI was/is still locking up and not shutting down when commanded.
  5. smithserver-diagnostics-20230918-1504.zip I appreciate the help.
  6. I tried but when I updated the Windows VM's configuration it gave me an error about IOMMU group or something. That's when I read that I may have to swap pcie devices around. I did that and all hell broke loose. I believe I may have shut down to fast because its now yelling at me that I had an unclean shutdown and the UI locks up constantly.
  7. smithserver-diagnostics-20230918-0719.zip
  8. While trying to get GPU passthrough to work I was swapping the GPU and my sata expansion card pci slots and when I rebooted one of my parity and disks had a red x and says "device is disabled." I tried xfs_repair on the disk and it completed but nothing changed. None of my shares are showing up and I'm freaking out. Not sure where to go from here.
  9. Noob here. I installed nextcloud using spaceinvaderone's tutorial and it has been running fine for like 2 years. I decided to add some drives and a second parity. That was accomplished without fault. Or so I thought. When I restarted everything all the apps were not there. I had to reinstall them by going to the "previous installed" tab. Now I get this error from mariadb: cp: not replacing '/config/custom.cnf' [custom-init] No custom files found, skipping... 230820 08:40:26 mysqld_safe Logging to '/config/databases/b9c1c3db04f5.err'. 230820 08:40:26 mysqld_safe Starting mariadbd daemon with databases from /config/databases I tried searching the interwebs for instructions but couldn't find anything. Not sure where to turn to next. Thanks.