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  1. 好的,感谢大佬答疑。看来关键是要同步成同一版本。如果只是互考config文件那还是很简单的。
  2. 如题。请教下各位,现在我有一个PLUS版本的U盘用在了软路由系统(主要虚拟了爱快和OP)现在盘位数不够觉得太浪费,我还新买了一个BASIC版本的,现在想把这个U盘换为BASIC版本的,请问如何操作最简便。特别是两个主要的虚拟机和安装的docer?
  3. As the title suggests, I have virtualized an iKuai software router on UNRAID. Due to insufficient onboard network ports on the software router, I've purchased a USB network card (8153, supported by iKuai) with the intention to passthrough to the iKuai software router. The four onboard network ports can be directly passed through by going to Tools -> System Devices. However, the USB network card, being a USB device, cannot be grouped under the network card group, and the passthrough option in front of it is greyed out. In the iKuai virtual machine, the USB network card only appears as a boot option rather than a network card. I have attached a few screenshots below, seeking assistance! Thank you!
  4. 如题,现在是UNRAID虚拟了一个爱快软路由。因为软路由网口不够用,购买了一个USB网卡(8153,爱快支持)想直通到爱快软路由。四个板载网口可以通过工具→系统设备进行直通。但是USB网卡作为USB设备没法分组在网卡一组,直通前面的选项也是灰色的。但是在ikuai虚拟机中USB网卡只是作为一个启动项选择而不是作为一个网卡。如下是几张截图,求帮助!