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Posts posted by stry8993

  1. 15 minutes ago, Chicane said:

    So beautiful, thank you very much !!!

    You're very welcome! Did the best I could. Share a screenshot of how it looks on your Unraid main page, if you don't mind, I'm curious to see how it turns out!

  2. 2 hours ago, Sergii said:

    I am also on Firefox. Thats weird

    I definitely uploaded it as a PNG. Oh, I see, this was about another one done by someone else, my bad!

  3. Hey there, can't seem to add the root folder in Kapowarr in Media Management > Root Folder. I've tried /data/media/comics and every variation of that I could think of... not sure what I am and am not doing here. 

    Edit: Added content... that seemed to work. I'm guessing thats it?

  4. 19 minutes ago, Nodiaque said:

    I don't have this luck.



    Unraid 6.12.4

    I swear I had production branch before but it's gone since I moved the card in my case (found out it was in x1 instead of x16). Quadro RTX A4000. Cannot run any games in steam, it just either start and stop or just show nothing.

    Weird. This is actually what fixed it for me, was just stepping down to Production Branch. But I'm on 6.12.6... don't know why you're not updated, but I don't think theres any harm in updating your Unraid. It'll probably show up then.image.png.32c8c2a75339fdd9522e2a30f77e4b9c.png

  5. On 1/2/2023 at 10:24 AM, MeisterPilaf said:

    Old Topic but maybe someone is interested in my Code:


    # Get the number of GPUs
    num_gpus=$(nvidia-smi --query-gpu=count --format=csv,noheader | awk 'NR==1 {sum+=$1} END {print sum}')
    echo "Found $num_gpus GPUs."
    # Iterate over the GPUs
    for ((i=0; i< $num_gpus; i++)); do
      # Check if there are any processes running on GPU $i
      if nvidia-smi -i $i --query-compute-apps=pid --format=csv,noheader | grep -q '^[0-9]'; then
        echo "There are processes running on GPU $i."
        echo "There are no processes running on GPU $i. Setting GPU $i to power save mode."
        nvidia-smi -i $i -pm 1


    It first checks how many GPUS are installed and then if there are running processes. If not, Power save mode will be activated.


    This worked for me on my Tesla P4. It was stuck at 1% being used by nothing, and kept idling at 24W, 800MHz GPU, 2000MHz Mem. This fixed it!

  6. 3 hours ago, binhex said:

    it could be a transcode issue i have seen the transcode binaries become corrupt sometimes, or more likely is that the audio transcode is maxing out your CPU causing the playback issue, bear in mind audio transcode is done using the CPU NOT the GPU.

    For the permissions issue, post an issue here and tell them what you did exactly (point at the guide or detail commands).

    I am honored to see you replying! Love your work, really grateful for it, thank you, and appreciate your response!!! I did make a help request post, and... basically redid the container after deleting the folder, and letting the docker redo the permissions. It wasn't TOO much trouble.


    I do have another question though... if you don't mind, in the logs, it was saying that the TRANS_DIR wasn't configured, so it was defaulting to something else (I don't have it running right now so can't check) but, if I set the /transcode to dev/shm in the docker configuration, and then set /transcode inside plex's settings, that should still use the RAM (like up to half your RAM type of deal)?


    Also, totally found out the hardway that the audio is transcoded by the CPU. My poor Synology DS218+ was not a fan. So much so I built an Unraid box for it with a Xeon CPU E5-2699 v3, and its generally been okay. The videos on TrueHD 7.1 just wouldn't even load, or infinitely buffer. But English AC-3 5.1 was no problem at all.



    So yep, deleting the folder, and rebuilding it using the docker container worked! 7.1 is doing its thing, even in transcoding. AND the /transcode + /dev/shm does indeed use the RAM just fine :D. Its all back to normal! Whewf!

  7. 20 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    Each docker container can have its own requirements around any folders/files that are part of its working set located in a folder under the appdata share so the only foolproof way to fix it is to remove the relevant folder in appdata for a particular docker container and let it be recreated from scratch.  Any mappings to other shares should be OK.   You can do this for just those docker containers that have problems if you can identify them.


    You can delete the folder using the Dynamix File Manager plugin with the relevant docker container stopped and then restart the container to get the folder recreated.   If there are any containers where you really do not want to loose the current working set data then you would have to ask for guidance on that particular container in its support thread.


    kk, I'll give that a shot. Thank you so much!

  8. Hey folks, I know this has been mentioned in other variations, but I can't seem to find/pin down a solution to what I did. I was following a tutorial after adding some really crappy, slow drives to unraid to get more space, but, then finding out the hard way it slowed EVERYTHING down. So I followed a guide to help remove those drives as safely as possible. Problem is, that guide predated the docker safe permissions/fix common problems, so I ran the Fix Permissions in Tools but unchecked the drive where I had assumed/hoped/guessed my appdata was stored (as thats where I'd set it to be) by the looks of it, and I totally messed up the permissions on my docker containers/appdata folder. I've got some of them working, most of the functionality is there (though any issues I'm not really alerted to just yet, but I'm sure they'll crop up).


    How I found out there was an issue, is that anything in Plex that was trying to use the EasyAudioEncoder Codec would just constantly buffer or boot the viewer (myself included, so locally and remote). EAC3 5.1 is fine though... but another issue, is in the transcoding, where it would see my GPU  in the drop down, now its just auto, but it IS using it. Using nvidia-smi I can see the plex process, and it does seem to be transcoding for people.


    But I'm worried that these things point to a much wider issue, I tried to exclude the drive where my appdata folder sits, but I don't think it mattered too it, in Fix Permissions, which drives I picked, because it definitely got too it.


    I spent much of this morning trying to fix SWAG/DockerSocket/Overseerr and did manage to get it going again, but, yeah... I could really use a get out of jail card here from people who have way more experience and knowledge than I do.




    EDIT: If I need to delete the appdata and docker containers folder and start over, that is mostly okay, it'll just take some time. If thats the better more thorough alternative, please let me know, and if there is any guidance on how to properly do that (make sure its nuked, cleaned, so that when I redo it theres no issues that crop up) then please let me know.

  9. On 8/7/2022 at 9:39 AM, Squid said:

    The genesis of this Tools was that for the longest time, the New Permissions tool only allowed you to run it against all disks or individual disks.  This would trash the appdata share since it would more than likely get included when you ran the tool.


    Docker Safe Permissions runs against every share with the exception of appdata.  If you want to further narrow it down to specific disks or shares, then you run the New Permissions tools and double check that you're not inadvertently including appdata

    Wow, sorry to necro this thread but... I was using a tutorial from youtube that I guess pre-dated the Docker Safe version, and just royally messed my appdata permissions up... no clue what to do. Made a support thread, fingers crossed.

  10. Hey folks, I may not be the only person suffering this issue, but, I haven't been able to find anyone having it the way that I am.


    Someone is trying to playback Barbie, on both their Xbox One, and their Macbook connected to their TV. Dolby Atmos / TrueHD 7.1 won't transcode, it just causes the video to stop and constantly buffer. Switching to the EAC 5.1 is fine though, it'll transcode that. I keep getting these errors in the attached screenshot of the log.


    I was also having problems with the Windows Player when I tried to install it last month where this specific thing 'EasyAudioEncoder' got called out by Windows Defender (its fixed now, but figured it was a strange coincidence worth mentioning)



    Addendum: Looks like it might be a permissions thing? I effed this ALL up... trying to remove some drives I had added... was following a tutorial, and it looks like I didn't run the docker safe  permissions tool.... the one I was supposed to run... wow. I'm pretty sure ALL of my Docker containers are effed. And I really do not know enough about how to un-eff them... like plex isn't allowing me to select my GPU, either, in the transcoding section. It just shows auto, whereas it was there before.... this is brutal.... I'm in quite the pickle... I don't even know where I could go to ask for some help, or even what to search to find out how to un-eff this. Any guidance would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!



  11. Hey folks, sorry to bug ya. I did DM Avesynth, who was trying too, and succeeded in, setting this up with a reverse proxy to access it over the internet when away from home. Is there any written guidance, videos, etc, for this? Also, if its better to use the discord, where might I find that?

  12. Following this, as I'm having a very similar issue. My new server I just built is on the opposite side of yours, much MUCH more (thats not to brag, its to point out that something is really up, and I'm not sure what either). I ran openspeedtest and the 2.5gbps switch is almost fully saturated between my PC and the Unraid box. Plex buffers, but watching the same video through MPC-BE from the SMB share, it is disgusting the level of stutter/buffer. So I'm eager to see what insights others might have, and glad to know I'm not alone in it.


    Just tried to transfer a file from the SMB to my desktop, 9.9mb/s lmao... what in the heck...

    Screenshot 2023-10-21 190617.png


    @Brian Yuenare you by chance doing any I/O intensive operations on the UNRAID in the background. I figured my hardware would be up to snuff to handle all that I was doing... and apparently not. Its some downloading docker apps that are basically crushing the hard drive's ability to do much of anything.

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