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  1. Hi, there. for some personal reason, I need to proxy docker when pull image. I follow some guide like that: but I could not find this path on unraid . does anyone could tell me what the dcoker.service.d/proxy conf or another way. I did`t want to proxy the whole unraid system or other services thanks
  2. 非常感谢 JackieWu ,之前的回答也启发了我,到目前算是解决了面临的所有问题。。 unraid 的“排坑”之路算是起点走顺畅了。
  3. 如图,从群晖共享的nfs 那边迁移影视资源到unraid, 群晖那边上传是100MB/s + unraid 的主界面目标硬盘 写入速度也是 100MB/s + 但是 Dynamix File Manager 里面只有10MB/s + 的速度,并且 CPU 占用非常高? 疑似卡IO ?? 实际数据的拷贝速度,也只有10MB/s + , 因为一共就16T的硬盘,拷贝了4天了,还在拷贝。 群晖和Unraid的网络 数据都是交换有100MB/s + 那实际的数据是不是都被unraid 奇怪的机制给吞吐掉了? 而且看起来unraid 在复制一个文件的时候,会把他分成若干个不同后缀的文件,这些文件容量加起来远超源文件,等复制完成后,这些不同后缀的文件就会消失。。 是否进一步理解,unraid 复制过程中有90%的数据吞吐量是浪费的? 我没有设置校验盘, 媒体目录也仅仅指定了硬盘1, 缓存盘没有开启cache 。 硬盘2也在休眠。。 感觉 unraid 这个复制机制太差劲了
  4. 搜了很多方法,只有通用的docker 挂代理 可是unraid 下我找不到类似的路径 The location of systemd configuration files are different when running Docker in rootless mode. When running in rootless mode, Docker is started as a user-mode systemd service, and uses files stored in each users' home directory in ~/.config/systemd/user/docker.service.d/. In addition, systemctl must be executed without sudo and with the --user flag. Select the "rootless mode" tab below if you are running Docker in rootless mode. 因为种种原因,我不想给unraid 系统挂代理, 还有就是docker 镜像源效果不好 所以我想直接给 docker pull 这个服务挂上代理,这样就是都是通过proxy 来 pull
  5. 已经解决了,后面发现是 go 文件里面加入了 proxy 代理之后会变成这样。
  6. Sep 7 14:13:03 611 root: error: /webGui/include/DashboardApps.php: wrong csrf_token Sep 7 14:13:03 611 root: error: /webGui/include/DashboardApps.php: wrong csrf_token Sep 7 14:13:03 611 root: error: /webGui/include/DashboardApps.php: wrong csrf_token Sep 7 14:13:03 611 root: error: /webGui/include/DashboardApps.php: wrong csrf_token Sep 7 14:13:03 611 root: error: /webGui/include/DashboardApps.php: wrong csrf_token Sep 7 14:13:03 611 root: error: /webGui/include/DashboardApps.php: wrong csrf_token Sep 7 14:13:12 611 root: error: /webGui/include/ProcessStatus.php: wrong csrf_token “csrf_token - CSRF tokens are randomly generated at every boot of unRaid. You will see this error if you have one browser tab pointed at a page in unRaid and on another tab you initiate a restart of unRaid. Note that the browser in question can also be on any device on your network. This includes other computers, tablets, phones, etc. IE: Close the other browser tabs. This error can also be caused by mobile apps such as ControlR checking the status of unRaid but the server has been rebooted after the app was started. Restart the application to fix.” I‘m not use any application like ControlR or others device to browser unraid at the same time. I`m tring to reboot so many times but can`t fix it . and when unraid was starting , I saw some error like " sata link down 300 " - syslog-2011-05-01 today the only two things that I did just: 1 is add a new network card - Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit; 2 is add a m.2 format sata card to extend more sata driver, but just plugin cable on sata back borad have no harddriver connect it yet. so what can i do for my whole system .. syslog-2011-05-01.txt
  7. 官方文档答非所问。。 wrong csrf_token - CSRF tokens are randomly generated at every boot of unRaid. You will see this error if you have one browser tab pointed at a page in unRaid and on another tab you initiate a restart of unRaid. Note that the browser in question can also be on any device on your network. This includes other computers, tablets, phones, etc. IE: Close the other browser tabs. This error can also be caused by mobile apps such as ControlR checking the status of unRaid but the server has been rebooted after the app was started. Restart the application to fix. 说是有其他浏览器在访问。。 我都把unraid 重启了,就算我之前有其他设备打开页面未关闭。。 但重启后至少也需要点登录才会卡吧 Sep 7 13:35:44 611 root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: wrong csrf_token Sep 7 13:35:44 611 root: error: /webGui/include/Report.php: wrong csrf_token Sep 7 13:36:11 611 root: error: /webGui/include/Notify.php: wrong csrf_token Sep 7 13:36:11 611 root: error: /webGui/include/InitCharts.php: wrong csrf_token Sep 7 13:36:11 611 root: error: /webGui/include/Report.php: wrong csrf_token Sep 7 13:36:11 611 root: error: /webGui/include/DashboardApps.php: wrong csrf_token Sep 7 13:36:17 611 root: error: /webGui/include/Report.php: wrong csrf_token Sep 7 13:36:21 611 root: error: /webGui/include/InitCharts.php: wrong csrf_token 我今天将unraid 关机之后,插上了m.2 转sata的阵列卡, 再加了一个 pciex1 的网卡 m.2 阵列卡还未连接硬盘,只是插了sata线。 pcie x1网卡也还没连接网线 然后本身运作的磁盘都提示无法挂载了
  8. 起因是我发现,unraid 的docker 安装npm 想要反代的话,那么其他docker需要和npm 同一网络类型才可以。 比如npm 是用的bridge , 那么 tr 这个docker 也必须要bridge / host 。。 当我把tr 自定义ip , npm是10.0.0.1 这样npm 就无法给 tr 进行反代了。。 这个时候开启主机访问自定义网络有用吗? 我看介绍这是给macvlan用的选项, ipvlan 可以开启吗?
  9. 请教一下, 我有3个容器,宿主网络 均设置为host模式 A端口2001 ,B 端口8080 , C端口2004 然后A就无法连同容器B, 使用host是因为这两个容器都需要ipv6 , bridge ipv6 太高端了,还不会 后面通过固定 IP 地址将A设置成了 ; B设置成了10.105.1.7:8080 他们之间就可以互通了 现在问题是我使用nginx proxy manager 就无法解析这两个容器了。 我的nmp试了下,只能反代宿主网络的, 比如容器C, npm可以反代, 容器A npm反代之后,直接访问是错误502 Bad Gateway 请问一下有这方面解决的思路吗?