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Posts posted by JEZBRO

  1. @tekolote Yeah, that's right. I wasn't sure if you could setup sliding sync in the same PG15 database as Matrix that's why I set it up like I did. Your way definitely seems cleaner.

    When I set this up I was struggling to get any kind of help. Between a number of group chats about Matrix, Element, Sliding Sync and UNRAID, each one directed me to a different chat to get help. So I resorted to just using ChatGPT. I trained a GPT on all the documentation for each component then asked it how to set up Sliding Sync and my little tutorial is the result. I've only been using UNRAID for about 6 months and have no experience with Linux so I'm just teaching myself as I go.

  2. For anyone looking for a guide on how I did this, here it is.

    1. Login to pgAdmin4. On the left expand Server > Matrix > Databases, then right click Databases then go Create > Database...


      Then in the Database field type "syncv3" then click "Save"

    2. Install Conpose.Manager from CA.

    3. Navigate to the Docker tab, and then to the "Add New Stack". Put in "Sliding_Sync" in the stack_name field, then click "Advanced" and in the stack directory put /mnt/user/appdata/matrix/sliding-sync then click "OK"

      Now scroll down and below your dockers you should see Sliding_sync under Compose, click the COG > Edit Stack > Compose File Scroll down again and there should be a text editor. Copy and past the following into that.
      version: '3.8'
          container_name: slidingsync-proxy
          image: 'ghcr.io/matrix-org/sliding-sync:latest'
          restart: unless-stopped
            - 'SYNCV3_SERVER=https://chat.yourdomain.com'
            - 'SYNCV3_SECRET=KEY'
            - 'SYNCV3_BINDADDR=:8009'
            - 'SYNCV3_DB=user=postgres-username dbname=syncv3 sslmode=disable host=slidingsync-db password=postgres-password'
            - '8009:8009'
            - slidingsync-db
          container_name: slidingsync-db
          image: postgres:15
          restart: unless-stopped
            - /mnt/user/appdata/matrix/sliding-sync/database:/var/lib/postgresql/data
            - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres-passowrd
            - POSTGRES_USER=postgres-username
            - POSTGRES_DB=syncv3

      Adjust `SYNCV3_SERVER`, `SYNCV3_DB`, `POSTGRES_PASSWOR`, `POSTGRES USER`, and 'POSTGRES_DB' to match your setup.

      You can use this command in the unraid console to generate a random string to put in 'SYNCV3_SECRET'
      echo -n $(openssl rand -hex 32)


    4. Create a file called `client.json` with the following content. You can use any text editor for this.

          "m.homeserver": {
              "base_url": "https://matrix.yourdomain.com"
          "org.matrix.msc3575.proxy": {
              "url": "https://chat1.yourdomain.com"

      Place this file in the Nginx directory on your Unraid server, I put it in /mnt/user/appdata/Nginx-Proxy-Manager-Official/data/nginx/.well-known/matrix/client.json


    5. Open the Nginx Proxy Manager UI in your browser.

      Add a New Proxy Host for Sliding Sync connections, I made mine chat1.yourdomain.com

      Set it up like normal and have it point to you Sliding Sync Proxy. I have my matrix server on port 8008 and Silding Proxy on 8009. 

      Before you hit save, go to the "Advanced" tab and add this to Custom Nginx Configuration

      location /.well-known/matrix/client {
          root /data/nginx/;
          try_files /.well-known/matrix/client.json =404;
          default_type application/json;
          add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;


    6. Verify the Setup, go to https://chat1.yourdomain.com/.well-known/matrix/client
      It should return the contents of the .json file you made earlier

    And that's it, it should all be up and running.

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  3. So since updating to 6.12.5 and still after updating to 6.12.6 I've had this issue where the server is using 100% of half the threads, and using the terminal and the top command it says that systemd-journal is the culprit.


    Fix Common Problems shows no issues, everything is up to date and I can't find anything related to this issue online.









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