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Posts posted by Glimmerman911

  1. 9 hours ago, ghost82 said:

    The os will use the virtual video adapter by default.


    I have an application that needs OpenGL, which will not work with VNC and the virtual video adapter, it generates and error on launch when I do not pass through my GPU.

    When I enable VNC as my first graphics adapter and pass through my GPU as the second graphics adapter, the program will launch whereas it won't with just the VNC adapter.  And I verified under windows settings that applications have the 750ti as default, and it shows in device manager.  This leads me to think Windows is using the 750ti, but perhaps not, but it is strange the OpenGL application works then?


    When I edit the VM to remove the VNC adapter and only have my 750ti, when I RDP to it, I get an RDP error - it does not connect, likely the VM is not booting.  If I add the VNC adapter in, I can VNC in and RDP in.


    Not sure where to go from here?

  2. I am passing through an NVIDIO 750 ti on my Windows 10 VM, I see the card in Device Manager, and I have installed the drivers.


    Everything looks to be working, but when I try something simple like playing a youtube video, it is terribly chunky as the video card is not keeping up.  FYI, I have VNC set as the first graphics card in the VM setup, so I can use VNC instead of RDP when needed and to help diagnose issues.  Is this an issue?


    I have I have an AMD video card that is dedicated to the physical unraid server to run a monitor, it is not passed through.

    In Device Manager in the Win10 VM I see Microsoft Basic Display Adapter, Microsoft Remote Display Adapter, and my NVIDIA 750 ti.


    Perhaps the Win10VM is not using the 750ti as the graphics adapter?  Or some other reason the performance is un-useable?

  3. Believe I have it resolved:


    The 3TB drive that initially went missing must be dead, it is not being picked up

    The 8TB drive that I tried installing is from an 8TB seagate enclosure, brand new but appears to be dead or maybe seagate drives have the 3.3v pin?

    The 10TB drive that I tried installing is a white label WD drive that has the 3.3v pin and my power supply is not compatible, so it powers down


    I installed a molex to sata power connector to bypass the 3.3v and I now have the 10TB drive visible in Unraid, and chose it for disk 8.

    I entered my password to start the array, and now it is "Starting..." and disk 8 shows as Mounting so hopefully that is resolved now.


    When I reset my mobo bios, it turned off CPU virtualization, so I turned it on, presumably that is resolved when the array starts and I can check my VMs.


    I still get the following error along the top of the screen, since upgrading the flash:

    Warning: parse_ini_file(/usr/local/emhttp/state/flashbackup.ini): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/include/myservers2.phpon line552



    The array has now progressed to rebuilding, woohoo!  Thanks for the help!  VMs are working now as well, just the flashbackup error to deal with now?




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  4. Power is not an issue, I have a 1200w psu with no splitters involved.  I have tried switching power around to other disks, it is always disk 8 that does not show up.


    I have copied all the data from Disk 8 to outside of the array.


    What do I do next please?



  5. Ok, I will get an external drive and try hooking it up to copy my files off.  Yes, the files are emulated and I can browse the disk.


    Disk8 is attached via SATA cable, was originally direct to the motherboard and I have tried it now on both my SATA controllers as well, no change.

  6. FYI, I started looking around my server after starting the array, and my WIndows 10 VM is broken, when I try to start it I get the following error:


    Execution error

    unsupported configuration: Domain requires KVM, but it is not available. Check that virtualization is enabled in the host BIOS, and host configuration is setup to load the kvm modules.


    I used this right before upgrading the flash drive to a larger size so I could upgrade unraid, not sure what is causing this issue now too?

  7. Continued testing all afternoon, I reset my BIOS in case something was wonky, I swapped the power and SATA from my cache drive to the original drive and to a new drive, I cannot get Unraid to pick up any disks, disk 8 status remains missing and I cannot figure out how to recover from this?


    It isn't just the missing disk, but I cannot get unraid to recognize any new disks to the system, I have tried with 2 new out-of-the-box disks.


    Something went wrong with the Flash drive replacement? 

    I cannot fall back to my old flash drive because as soon as I assigned the key to the new Flash, the old one is banned from ever being my servers flash.


    I also get this error now along the top of the GUI:


    Warning: parse_ini_file(/usr/local/emhttp/state/flashbackup.ini): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/include/myservers2.phpon line552


    What to do?

  8. Updated testing:


    1. Plugged in a different new, larger drive - no change, does not show up to select in place of the missing disk

    2. Unplugged another drive in case there was some strange max-number of drives hit, no change just results in 2 missing disks

    3.  Tried switching sata cables with another cable on a different controller, no change, still missing same disk



  9. I upgraded the size of my flash drive using the backup procedure, and this worked.


    However when I booted up, one drive was missing.

    1.  I powered down, replaced the SATA cable, reseated the power cable, still missing drive

    2.  Swap the power cable and SATA with another drive, still missing the same drive

    3.  Replace the drive with a larger one, the larger drive does not show up


    I am not sure where to go from here, I have tested power, SATA, and the drive itself?

  10. When I try to perform the latest update, I get the following message:


    boot device shows 291115008 free but upgrade needs 310215571
    plugin: run failed: /bin/bash retval: 1


    Probably means my 1gig usb stick is not large enough any more?

    I will buy a larger usb stick, what is the process to move to a new usb please?

  11. Running the PlexServer docker from plexinc/pms-docker

    I have not made any changes, but I went to my nvidia shield to watch a movie and found all my libraries do not load anything into them, they just give me the error:

    Something went wrong

    An unexpected error occurred.

    And I cannot see anything, cannot search, etc.

    I have optimized the database, and tried refreshing metadata - though the metadata seems to hang on refresh.

    I have tested with Shield, Android, and Windows 11 with multiple browsers, all the same issue, it is something server side.

    I have restarted Plex container multiple times, and did a server reboot, not help.

    I have posted in the Plex support forum as many people have with the same problem over the last week and a bit, but I don't see any resolutions?  

  12. Been running an i7-3820 w/40gig RAM for years, and today my server started shutting down, believe to to heat.  

    Probably fixable, but I would like to take this opportunity to replace this aging hardware.

    I run quite a few dockers, a couple of VMs (usually only one at a time due to 4 core CPU, would like to increase this), and have 1-2 plex streams including 1 transcoding.

    Looking for recommendations on CPU/Mobo combo that is appropriate for Unraid:

    8 core/16 threads, lots of PCIe slots (I have 2 sata cards running 8 drives each, plus a GPU), and 6 or more SATA ports for the rest of my drives.  Would like to go to 64gig RAM, so 4 x 16gig memory.

    No specific budget, looking for good value and reliable hardware.

    Thank you in advance!



  13. 3 hours ago, binhex said:



    that depends on what you want to achieve, there are numerous guides on the internet for the list of commands.

    depends on the device, if xbox or minecraft pe (android) then the server should be visible in the 'friends' tab in the menu screen once running.

    again, this depends on device as to whether its possible, minecraft pe and windows minecraft can connect over the internet you just need port forwarding in place, everything else is more tricky, or impossible.

    Thanks for the quick reply!  


    Here are my issues:

    I do not see anything in Friends from a device on my network, I should be seeing LAN game but I don't?

    I have setup port forwarding, but external users cannot connect to my server, "Unable to connect" error

    I have tried an internal network user connecting to my server IP and the external IP address and port, they get "unable to connect" as well

    What can I check or modify to get this server running?


    I also get the following two messages when I login to the webui:

         NO LOG FILE! - Failed to up file descriptor limit Operation not permitted

         NO LOG FILE! - setting up server logging...


    And after the server has been running 15+ minutes, when I try to access the webui for consol, I get:

    "There is no screen to be attached matching minecraft."

    and in big letters "Connection Closed"

    If I reset the Docker, I can login to the webui again, then it fails after a while again.


    Thanks again for the help

  14. My son asked me about setting up a Minecraft server for him and his friends, and after some research I found this thread.  I installed the Bedrock version of the Docker and am able to connect to it through the Docker UI.


    Is the console the only way to interact with the server, or is there a UI available?  

    Is there a list of common commands to set/update?

    How do users inside my house connect to this server?

    How do I open access to this for users outside my house?


    Thank you in advance!

  15. 23 minutes ago, Squid said:

    3 reasons for nothing to show up under previous apps


    - Docker isn't enabled (There should be a big banner across the top of the screen)

    - Everything is already installed

    - You've also deleted the contents of /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user on the flash drive

    Very strange, I have enabled Docker, and nothing has been touched by my flash drive.

    Oh well, time to start reinstalling everything from scratch, I will figure it out.

    Thanks for the assistance, greatly appreciated.

  16. 11 minutes ago, Squid said:

    All of the paths, ports, etc will be fine.  Reinstall them via Apps / Previous Apps and they'll be all set up the same way.  But, if you've deleted the appdata share for those apps, then all of the data (ie: watched status, etc) will need to be redone from scratch.

    None of my apps are showing up under Previous Apps unfortunately, I don't remember which version of apps I had installed it has been many many years since I touched them.  For example, I think I had binhex for Plex and sabnzb and such, but not sure.  


    I still have the install folders for each of the apps, any way I can tell through them?

  17. I was preparing to upgrade my cache drive so I was updating some of my configuration to match spaceinvader's youtube instructions.


    I had all my dockers on my cache drive under /mnt/cache/dockers/dockerimages, but the docker config for Default appdata storage location was pointing to /mnt/user/appdata so I updated this to /mnt/cache/dockers/dockerimages.

    At the same time, I deleted my appdata share as it was empty and not in use.

    I also moved my docker.img from /cache/docker.img to /cache/dockers/docker.img and updated the setting under docker config.


    Then all my dockers dissapeared from the menu, so I reversed everything, but they are still all gone.


    I don't remember all the configuration settings I need for all my dockers, how can I get this back without recreating them?


    *EDIT* Thinking back, there was 2 or 3 directories in the appdata user share that I deleted before I deleted the share, I thought these were from old docker installs as not all my dockers were listed, but I'm guessing now these were not old, and deleting them cause this problem?  I probably have no choice but to re-install all the docker images from scratch, trying to remember all the configuration settings somehow.....?????

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