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  1. Hello, I have been running my email server (mailcow) on a hosted VPS for years without any problem. As the storage size of VPS is limited, I move old emails to a VM on Unraid running only IMAP server. This works. However, as VM is running in cache disk, I cannot grow the disk size of VM as much as I want as the cache capacity is also limited. I would like to use an Unraid share as the storage of mails. What is my best option? IMAP server as docker on Unraid using Unraid share as mounted volume? Mounted Unraid share to VM? Thank you for your help.
  2. Installed postgresql14. How can I add different locale? locale-gen in the docker not working. Thanks.
  3. Upgraded Unraid to 6.12.4. Now, swag cannot start. It gives "Execution Error". The reason is "Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use." When I check with > netstat -tunlp | grep ":443" I get tcp 0 0* LISTEN 15575/nginx: master I think, Unraid's own nginx is also listening port 443. How can I stop Unraid's nginx listening 443? By the way, swag is on a custom docker network named "proxynet" together with all other dockers. I didn't have this problem with Unraid 6.11.5. Thanks.
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