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Community Answers

  1. Haven't had any issues since uninstalling the auto-update plugin. 13 days uptime now, wasn't getting beyond four or five previously.
  2. It is an ES. The server was very stable for around a month before this started happening. I'm not running any VMs but I am running quite a lot of dockers I've built up over time. To start I've uninstalled the auto-update plugin and I will update things manually. If it recurs, I'll leave docker off as you suggest and see what happens. Thanks.
  3. I mean, I'm at a loss at how to generate diagnostics when I can't access the dashboard or ssh. I did change the setting to save the syslog to the usb, and here it is. syslog
  4. Hello, I'm a recent new Unraid user, and I'm dealing with a very frustrating issue. At some point after being up my UI stops being accessible at https://servername.local/Dashboard or at the ip address directly. I'm currently experiencing this for the third time. After the second time I enabled SSH so I would hopefully be able to SSH in and make the restart be more graceful. Well here I am again but I also cannot get an SSH connection. The thing that is weird to me is that my dockers are still online and working correctly, full connectable. Please help me figure out what is going on here so I don't need to keep hard rebooting and having a full parity sync.
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