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Posts posted by Manlycookiebear

  1. On 11/5/2023 at 5:23 PM, ich777 said:

    Yes, that is indeed correct but I've only deprecated the template.


    I've deprecated the template because I don't want to maintain it any longer because first I don't use it anymore and second because I don't have control over it (it's basically the official container).


    I have now almost 200 containers/plugins in the CA App and giving support for PhotoPrism is really hard for me.


    However you are still be able to use it if you've already installed it and nothing should change for you, besides the warning in FCP because as said above it's the official container and it will receive updates and work as usual.


    Maybe @CorneliousJD can add it to his repository or another community developer.

    I just wanted to install PhotoPrism and wasn't able to find it in the CA App. Thanks for the information about the status of this app.


    It would be great, if it could be added by @CorneliousJD or another community developer. I was really looking forward to PhotoPrism.



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