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Posts posted by libook

  1. 推测版本信息是在密钥里的,升级之后要升级密钥才行。





  2. +1

    Currently using virt-manager to connect to unraid's backend, creating a snapshot:

    “Error creating snapshot: Operation not supported: internal snapshots of a VM with pflash based firmware are not supported“

  3. I changed the SSH port to 2022 in WebUI, but the actual port is still 22.


    Also after `/etc/rc.d/rc.ssh restart`.


    root@LiNas:~# cat /boot/config/ident.cfg |grep SSH
    root@LiNas:~# cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config |grep Port
    Port 22
    GatewayPorts no
    root@LiNas:~# lsof -Pi :22
    sshd    28306 root    3u  IPv4 232676830      0t0  TCP linas.lan:22 (LISTEN)
    root@LiNas:~# lsof -Pi :2022


    It seems configure file in flash was changed, but sshd didn't use it.


  4. Currently I fill

    --restart=unless-stopped --user=1000:100

    in Extra Parameters for setting docker container restart policy and user.


    I need to set restart policies for almost all containers, and set user for some containers that can't convert users to handle appdata. It seems to me that these are probably among the commonly used options, so it would be nice to have dedicated input boxes in the add and update page for containers.

  5. Basic part:

    In the current UI for adding or updating containers, the field names and input boxes are far apart, making it difficult to correctly correspond the field name to the input box.

    Current UI:


    Suggestion:Put all filed names right. For example:


    I just added CSS codes like:

    dt {
      text-align: right;
      margin-right: 1em;
      padding-top: 4px;

    I'm sure your front-end engineers will have a better solution.

    Additional Part:

    1. Enhanced differentiation between Path, Port, Variable, Label, Device fields.

    Currently there is yellow text below each field value that suggests the type of the field, but it seems to be rather weak ( to me), eyes always see the field name before the field value, so it's not sure of the type of the field at least until you see the value area.

    Improvement options for this problem are open, such as the possibility of placing enhanced type identifiers in the field name area. For example:


    Another option could be to put fields of the same type together and reinforce the type attribute of that area. You can refer to Portainer. (No example this time.)

    2. Consider showing a dialog box for selecting a type first when adding Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device.

    Not most cases prioritize the addition of the Path attribute, so the odds are that the user will always select another type first and then fill it in. It would be possible to add a dialog box that lists all the buttons of the type. Rather than clicking on a dropdown box and then clicking on the type, this would allow the user to select the type with just one click. It also reduces the chances of clicking on the wrong option due to the dense arrangement of options in the dropdown box.




    • Upvote 2
  6. To share how I use UserScript for opening up user SSH access. Wish it was possible in the future to use plugins to replace this script completely.


    # Permmit user to access via ssh
    cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | sed -e s/"AllowUsers root"/"AllowUsers root libook"/ > /etc/ssh/sshd_config.1 && mv /etc/ssh/sshd_config.1 /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    # Give user shell
    chsh -s /bin/zsh libook
    # Set user home
    usermod -d /mnt/user/home/libook libook
    # Make /etc/profile for multi-user
    cat /etc/zprofile | sed -e s/"export HOME=\/root"/"if [[ -z \$HOME ]]; then\n  export HOME=\/root\nfi"/ > /etc/zprofile.1 && mv /etc/zprofile.1 /etc/zprofile
    # Add user to sudoers.d
    echo "libook ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" > /tmp/libook && chmod 440 /tmp/libook && mv /tmp/libook /etc/sudoers.d/libook
    # Reload SSHd
    /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd reload



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