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  1. Setting up a new NAS which will use Unraid 6.12.10. Two of the SATA ports are fastest, the rest are half as fast. Obviously I will use one of the fast ports for my cache SSD. I have a parity drive and a variety of 2-5TB drives remaining. Does it matter which of those drives is attached via the other fast SATA port? Gut instinct says that the parity drive would be the choice, although I'm guessing that it doesn't make nearly the difference that the first fast SATA connection (to cache drive) would make. Is it optimal to use the 2nd fast connection for the parity drive?
  2. The 'automatic' way of preparing the USB drive hasn't worked, so I'm trying the manual method. On the official Unraid docs at docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/getting-started/manual-install-method/ it says to go to the Downloads page at unraid.net/download and download a zipped file. So I go there. But I see nowhere that a zipped file is available to be downloaded! Jeez, all that I've successfully done is give Unraid my $80, and I'm already encountering issues?? UPDATE: it's there, at the bottom of the page. Mea culpa . . .
  3. Everything shy of the initial setting up (burning) of the Unraid USB flash drive.
  4. Noob here, just been dipping my toe into Unraid lately. I have no data of value in my Unraid box to be backed up and I'd just like to start the process over -- it's more hobby than anything else at this point. For what it's worth, I'm currently using the Unraid free trial license but anticipate purchasing a real license in the upcoming Black Friday sale. Yeah, I'm cheap . . . (If I'm correct, in a more common scenario one can take the Unraid USB flash drive and hard drives and put them all into a different box and Unraid will recognize the hard drives and slickly make the transition easy. In my case, I'd like to do just the opposite, which is to leave everything in place in the original box, but somehow start over, with Unraid 'discovering' the hard drives, getting them set up, etc.) There must be an easy way to sort of zero out Unraid i.e. make it forget the drives and just start over, no? I have one 3TB data drive and an identical parity drive. No cache drive at this point. Starting very simple. I suspect that there is an absurdly easy way to do this . . . thanks for your patience with us noobs.
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