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Everything posted by RozZarck

  1. Hello, I use multiple bot on my discord servers and I'm currently trying to create my own bot. How can I host my discord bot on Unraid via a docker container? My bot is developed in Java with Maven. Can you please help me? Thanks in advance!
  2. Thank you! I've got my site and I can access it remotely, perfect! One last little question though, do you know how I can go about getting an SSL certificate for my website? I understand that I need to use certbot with lets encrypt, but I don't really know how to manipulate all that?
  3. Hello, I use Dockers containers from UnRaid to manage my Minecraft servers. I would like to create a website for my server using the CraftMyWebsite CMS: https://craftmywebsite.fr/ Unfortunately, I have not found a Docker container that seems compatible with this CMS by default in UnRaid. So I searched on my own and came across this Docker which seems to use the correct version of PHP and the correct version of Apache: https://hub.docker.com/r/mboyov/apache2-php74 Could you tell me how to create a Docker container from a custom Docker image? Could you also explain how to get the CMS recognised by the Docker container so that I can access the server on the Internet? Thank you in advance for your answers, I've been stuck for several weeks now.
  4. Hello, I have a docker container under postgresql on my unraid interface. I would like to make a dump of one of my databases and save this dump in a directory outside the docker container (/mnt/disk1/rozeon/Scripts/postgresql). How can I do this? I can't find how to do it? Thank you!
  5. I actually have a 3rd generation Ryzen and I find it strange that it used to work and doesn't now, but whatever. I've just changed the settings in the bios. I'll see if it works or if I still get disconnections and I'll come back to give a verdict. Thanks
  6. Hello, I've had a blocking problem for 1 week now, I installed my unraid server almost 2 months ago, at the beginning I had a problem with the macvlan which disconnected my server every x time and asked to be rebooted. After some research I changed to ipvlan and the server never stopped (online for 1 month without interruption). But last week there was a power cut and since then the server has been disconnecting regularly (sometimes it can last between 5 and 10 hours and sometimes less). I have the impression that it's losing the network and requires a reboot to get back up and running for a few hours at most. I've tried looking at the settings but nothing. The problem is that the syslog works temporarily and doesn't show any errors. For example, the server shuts down at 20:20, the logs may have detected a connection at 19:45 and then no more logs, the same for syslog-previous. I'm starting to run out of potential solutions and it's clearly getting on my nerves a lot in my day-to-day work. Does anyone have any ideas? syslog.txt syslog-previous.txt rozeon-diagnostics-20231214-1638.zip
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