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  1. Hello! This is due to a permissions issue that will be solved in the 3.1 version :). You can test already the first release candidate (3.1.0-rc.1)
  2. Don't worry about english! I can't do anything about the things you write (as I could see in the discord its pretty good tho) but we have a bot where you can react to a message with a flag and the message will be translated for you!
  3. Hello! in the logs there are no errors, but I can see that your "psx" platform is not being properly identified. You can see a yellow warning in the platform selector? And you can see that the "psx" icon is a generic one (that happens when a platform is not being identified. That's why RomM doesn't find the game by name. It is find by ID because by ID it doesn't take into account the platform, just directly searches it by ID. How's the name of your psx folder? You can joind our discord for better support by the way! https://discord.com/invite/P5HtHnhUDH
  4. Hello everyone, RomM creator here! First of all, thank you all for giving RomM an opportunity and showing interest on it! Said that, I am sorry for the current bad support of unraid, I don't have any machine to test it right now so I am blind on this. In any case, I will take note, because I know that the hardest entry point for new users is the twitch api keys and the config.ym file. We have plans to auto-generate this file if the user don't generate it manually at the setup of RomM and in the future that file will be managed in the front aswel to be easier for the users. About the URL field when creating the twitch api keys, just put "http://localhost" and it should works. You have a section in the RomM's wiki with some tips and troubeshooting: https://github.com/zurdi15/romm/wiki/Troubleshooting I will add a customized twitch api key generation guide for new users.
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