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Posts posted by marcel1267

  1. okay so reboot of router and server has made no difference at all this is odd as i have rebooted this server at least 4 times this morning with no issues at all when i had a DHCP reservation in place (now removed) before upgrading to 6.12.8 coming from 6.12.6. if i was to statically set an IP is this on the eth0 or br0?  

  2. yes so 2 x 1GB on board nics and eth0 is the one i want to use and is up. Odd as i have made no changes with the DHCP settings i did have a reservation in place for this but i removed it while fault finding. Ill give my google nest router a reboot see if that fixes it thanks ill come back and confirm. 

  3. finally remembered the command i used to find which link as was up details below the server only has 2 x 1GB nics and only one of them is plugged in and this shows that my nics are configured right in the network.cfg i think :) the unknown one is the micro USB i believe (not plugged in). 



  4. back again....


    so i upgraded to 6.12.8 and its now broken my networking, im not connected via micro usb for the iDRAC going over the LAN for it now i got that configured. I again have tried renaming the network.conf  and network-rules.cfg to _old and recreate new ones still nothing it seems to be getting a 169 ip as if its not able to get a DHCP IP. Iv noticed that there are new lines in the network.cfg file since the upgrade. doing and ifconfig shows that the bond nic has the 169 IP is this right? i have also tried changing the ether numbers around and rebooting after each change nothing seems to be working. I also cant boot into GUI mode either still even after the upgrade. 

  5. hi 



    thanks for the response so i worked out the problem it was the way i was connecting to the iDRAC (micro usb on these new dells on front panel) which was then being seen as eth0 by unraid only took me 2 hours to work this out!! once i unplugged that and rebooted the server worked straight away!


    Now i have the decisions on the best way to make use of the 22 x 10TB 8 x 16TB disks as well as 4 x 256GB SSDs and 2 x 3.84TB SSDs. I was using the array with a cache drive in front to start with but I'm finding with multiple users streaming via plex is not the best experience.


    I have been looking at ZFS but I'm not sure what is the best way to set this up as I don't want to have large vdevs as means expanding it makes it a pain but then having multiple vdev groups of 4-5 drives in raidz-1/2 is a waste of space.... if only i could have a write cache on the unraid array :( as i really like the idea of being able to mix drives but then it does present the issue that it can only have 30 disks and i have a large 60 bay JBOD.



    I know isn't relevant to my original issue but would love some suggestions from people! 

  6. Hi 




    first post for me so please be kind! 



    I have just moved my unraid server from an AMD tower to a newish Dell R6515 1U AMD server i also have a 60 bay JBOD with the disks in from my old setup. Now when iv booted up for the first time on the new r6515 its not grabbed an IP from DHCP as this is how it was setup on the old AMD tower. I did have a DHCP reservation in place but for now i have removed this due new MAC. 


    From what I can tell the iDRAC port is set as eth0 and the on board nics are eth1 and eth2, I have tried changing the nic names in the network-rules.cfg on eth0 and 1 by swapping them doesn't seem to have made any difference. I have also check the network.cfg file and it is still set to DHCP. i have also tried disabling the iDRAC nic in the bios hoping this would solve my problem which it didn't. 


    Iv been unable to boot in to GUI mode I get just a black screen also tried in BIOS mode and UEFI same results. 



    Am I missing something or being stupid only been using unraid for about a month or so now! 

    Screenshot 2024-02-16 231146.png

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    Screenshot 2024-02-16 231305.png

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