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  1. Yeah, at closer inspection this doesn't look like an issue with your container specifically. I'm gonna continue hosting from my PC instead and look into the issue at a later time. Thank you for your help!
  2. I'm pretty sure I've mapped it correctly. It seems like every time it updates, it overwrites all of the server files, including the savegames directory and the enshrouded_server.json. I tried creating a separate directory for the savegame, and that does actually persist between restarts/updates. When I came home today, I noticed that it had reset once again. What surprised me was that this happened while running. I've minimized the amount of damage done for when this happens, but I need to reconfigure the json every time. Any ideas?
  3. I restarted the container today after the update and it wiped my savefiles. Does it back them up somewhere?
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