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Everything posted by nesburf

  1. Turns out it was an issue with the sata power connectors..I have a couple splitters and clearly that was causing issues somewhere. Re-organized them and all seems to be good now. Thanks
  2. I've had an Unraid server running fairly error free since August of 2020. This past weekend I upgraded the motherboard/cpu and ram. Since then I have been having drives randomly going disabled on me. I've had it happen 4 times now. The first 3 times they were different drives. I took them out of the array, added them back and rebuilt them and all was fine until the next drive drive went disabled. Now today I just finished rebuilding a drive and an hour later it goes disabled again. I can't figure out what is going on. I've attached my diagnostics. wh-server-diagnostics-20240131-1955.zip
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