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Posts posted by medicmandan

  1. I watched Space Invader's video on setting this up but it's not exactly what I want to do.


    I'm sharing my Emby server with my parents.  Is there a way it will wake up just by someone trying to login to Emby? 

  2. I finally managed to get Nord setup and connected to Australia.  I'm struggling routing Emby through it.  The few attempts I have made crash the docker.  My remote connection to Emby is presently timing out.


    Which ports do I need to setup in Nord for Emby, the local or the public (or both)?  What settings need to be added in Emby/Swag?

  3. 5 hours ago, itimpi said:

    This is nearly always an issue with the way the shares and their associated permissions are set up on the Windows side.    Is there any reason that you are not doing it the other way around - connecting the Windows machine to a share on the Unraid server which would be the more common way of doing things.


    I was not aware I could connect it the other way.  This is my first foray into Unraid (well, really any true server) and one of SpaceInvader's videos talked about adding it as an unassigned device.


    I did get it to work.  As you noted, I had sharing permissions wrong on the other side.  It is awfully slow though.  


    I will explore the other option.  


    Appreciate the feedback.  This has been quite a learning experience for a non-tech person.  

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