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  1. I wish it were that simple... The UI configuration doesn't save routes anywhere, it's just in-memory. It won't survive a reboot or other scenarios I described. After posting this, I looked at the issue from a different angle. I used DHCP option 121 on my MikroTik router to supply the static route to Unraid via DHCP. Worked flawlessly. I actually like this approach better since the routing stuff belongs to, well, a router. Still, there must be a way to do this in Unraid. Not everyone has an advanced router. It's not only about static routes either, I can see a need to run a custom script on Unraid server whenever the network connection goes down or up.
  2. How can I make a static route persist in Unraid? I have been using "ip route add" in my /boot/config/go, however, it merely runs the command after a reboot. A truly persistent route is more than that. For example, if you unplug the network cable and plug it back in or reboot the router/switch Unraid server is plugged into, the custom routes will be gone. There are other scenarios when this can happen. There should be a way to add the static route to the network subsystem, so that it's re-added during any network events. I've looked into dhcpcd hooks, there is /usr/share/dhcpcd/hooks/ directory. But it didn't work. Looks like it's a stripped down or modified version of dhcpcd. I'm well versed in Linux but not in Slackware particularly. Just by poking around, I see /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 and rc.inet2 seem to be the scripts handling the networking. I played with those too; they don't re-run in a scenario with unplugged cable as an example. I couldn't find any useful information about how Unraid internals work in regards to networking.
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