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  1. Thank you both for clearing this up This is great news Looking forward to getting my unraid installation up and running (just purchased a license..).
  2. Thanx. After reading your link thoroughly I now have a better picture of how it works and its clear now to me. Since you mention that each disk could simply be read by any linux, one thought comes to mind: I assume the data is spread across the drives - or is it in a way that each file is living on one disk? Assuming, I would simply take one disc out of the array and put it in another machine, could I read the files completely of it? Or are the files scattered across all disks, so the chance of getting complete files tends towards zero ?
  3. Thanx for getting back.. In another thread, I read about the unraid size calculator and someone mentioned, that a tool like this is unnecessary, since the actual available size simply is the size of all drives together.... From this comment, I deducted, that all drives - except the parity one - simply store the data without any redundancy between the data drives. From your comment, I figure that this understanding is not correct ?
  4. Hi all, this post seems to most closely match my question. I have been using trunas for quite a while but want to switch to unraid for the array feature. One thing I can´t wrap my head around: Suppose I have one parity disc and add a whole bunch of discs to it (30 it seems)... How on earth can one parity disc store the parity of for all the discs? I understand that if a disc starts to fail on a few sectors and one does a manual swap of this disc - the parity info of this one failing disc can be transfered to the parity drive - one has to wait - and then the defective disc is swapped... But what happens if all of a sudden one disc dies completely in an instance. How could one parity drive store so much info for a lot of drives? Or am I missing something obvious here ? Thanx for helping me out with this probably stupid question...
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