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  1. Thank you very much, that was it. I changed it back, stopped my dockers, ran mover, then switched it to array-only. All working great now. Much appreciated!
  2. I'm having some issues with my Unraid setup and could use some guidance. Here's my situation: I have a share, /data, which I initially set up to use both my cache pool and my array. However, I've been experiencing heat issues with my cache NVMe drive, especially when transferring large amounts of data (tens of gigabytes at a time). To mitigate this, I decided to change the share settings to bypass the cache and write directly to the array. After making this change in the share settings, I haven't noticed any difference in performance. I currently have about 500 GB of data on my cache drive. When I attempt to start the mover through the web UI, it appears to accept the command, but nothing happens, and there's no indication that the mover is actually running. I'm not sure how to proceed. Do I need to copy all my data to a new share and start fresh? Or is there a way to force the mover to transfer the data from the cache to the array? Thanks!
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