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  1. While digging around in the installed packages of my unraid machine, I saw that two perl packages are installed (one is overwritten by the one installed by this plugin). Perl 5.36.0 is included with unraid 6.11.0 or later. I created a pull request to prevent installing perl on unraid 6.11.0 or later: https://github.com/Steini1984/unRAID6-Sainoid/pull/7
  2. True, for unraid 7 this is not an option. Would be only feasible for unraid 6, but as mentioned before I don't see a benefit.
  3. I could build the new version, I have the build env still available from building mbuffer-20240107-x86_64-1_SBo.tgz. But I think this version won't give sanoid any benefit. The last version works well (on my end) and sanoid itself has not been updated (means sanoid won't require any of these changes). Maybe the IPv6 and IPv4 feature is interesting, but for home networks maybe not.
  4. Hey. I have created a pull request that does not install mbuffer and perl 5.34 (perl 5.38.2 is preinstalled on unraid 7) with the sanoid plugin on unraid 7. I don't have unraid 7 available for testing. Maybe some else can replace the local unRAID6-Sanoid.plg with the one in the PR (https://github.com/Steini1984/unRAID6-Sainoid/pull/6) and test the changes on unraid 7. On unraid 6 it works for me. When this plugin works on unraid 7 the name is misleading, but I don't know if changing the name of a plugin is supported or creating a new one would be easier... Update: The PR is already merged (faster than I expected). Please test the new version (2.2.0c) under unraid 7.
  5. I stumbled over the problem with the broken mbuffer package. The package fetched by the plugin cointains only the sources of mbuffer and I was not able to find a current version packaged for Slackware. But there is a build script available: https://slackbuilds.org/repository/15.0/system/mbuffer/ I built the latest version of mbuffer (20240107) and packaged it with the linked SlackBuild for Slackware. I think it would be great, if mbuffer package in the plugin would be updated to have a working version available out of the box. The packaged version of mbuffer is in the attachment. But if you like, I can also create a pull request on GitHub with the updates for the plugin. mbuffer-20240107-x86_64-1_SBo.tgz
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