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  1. Can anyone help me make heads or tails of the results I’m getting for one of my drives? Haven’t been able to find much help searching online. Got it under warranty, so am not too worried about getting it replaced, just curious to know what specifically is happening rather than simply ”it’s bad.” tower-smart-20240512-0938.zip
  2. Dang, thought things would have for Intel drives but oh well. Time to set up a reminder to check back for release haha. Thanks for the response!
  3. Adding 2 NVME drives (same model) to unraid, but can only get one to show up at a time. Both are visible in BIOS. Have tried each drive with the other unplugged using every combination of cables and slots I could think of and everything seems fine there, so don't think its a bad drive or anything. Only happens when both are plugged in. Not sure what is going on here. tower-diagnostics-20240429-1942.zip
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