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  1. Just bumping this, do Unraid support have an average response time for such issues? Having paid for a licence to have an offline server isn't a great start
  2. Have done, no response as of yet. Hoping to get my arrays back up ASAP
  3. Just to add to this - running v6.12.10 - screeshots of error messages attached
  4. Hi folks, I transferred my flash to a more reliable USB stick, and on reboot received the error message that my GUID does not match the trial. I have now purchased a subscription, and although I received the order confirmation my new key was not sent in a separate email as stated. I have my old GUID and my new one, I've attempted replacing the key but am getting the error code: Error: {"message":"Request failed with status code 403","data":{"error":"KeyFile is not registered with Lime Technology - please contact support and provide your Keyfile."}} I also get a server 500 error on the Unraid site when I try to view my order or licence key. Can anybody help me obtain this? I have my order number, old and new GUID. It just seems that none of the automated processes work and haven't received the new key via email. Thanks!
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