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Everything posted by jurdd

  1. Honestly I don't get it. It makes zero sense to me. If I wasn't seeing it with my eyes I'd call BS. I think I'm going to just try a completely different card. If you've got any suggestions that would work for sure with a dell 3650 I'm all for it. Thanks.
  2. OP here, can't figure out which email I used (weird) so I made a fresh account. So I'm more confused now. Still not showing up in Linux sas2flash or anything else shows no LSI. I put another card in the slot and it showed up so the slot is good. I put the card in a windows machine and it showed up. Booted same machine to Linux didn't show up. Used megaRaid to update the FW it was 8.0 (IT) changed it to 16 (IT). Still doesn't show up in Linux. Kind of at a loss here what to try next.
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