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  1. Hi there, I tried and signed up to the Unraid official channel but there appears only to be Unraid connect related information and general rules/announcements/news. Which discord server are you talking about explicitly?
  2. Will do so, just need to sign up first. Thanks for the tip 👍
  3. Great, thanks. I have eventually settled to a new start and set up immich and postgres again. It is currently going though the external libraries etc. One thing I never got working was using the companion app (android in my case). It never worked and also now again all I get is an error message: "Your App and major version is not compatible with the server!" Both are 1.112.1 The app's log says "pinging server with response code 200" from API service" A slightly more detailed (buts still very abbreviated) log here: 2024-08-30 00:04:54.853658 | INFO | ApiService | Pinging server with response code 200 | 2024-08-30 00:04:05.828037 | SEVERE | AuthenticationNotifier | Logout failed | LateInitializationError: Field 'authenticationApi' has not been initialized. | 2024-08-30 00:04:05.827877 | SEVERE | SplashScreenPage | Unable to login using offline or online methods - Logging out completely | 2024-08-30 00:04:05.827612 | SEVERE | SplashScreenPage | Missing authentication, server, or endpoint info from the local store | Any idea what could be wrong? I tried clearing the app's data and cache but no change.
  4. Thanks for your reply! Leave this out as in do not change them? Is the Immich Docker in community add-ons generally so well maintained that it will work with relative low maintenance or does it require regular checks of the variables?
  5. Hi, I have a question concerning the youtube tutorial. When I try to set up the Immich container the template asks for "MACHINE_LEARNING_HOST:" and "MACHINE_LEARNING_PORT:". These two sections did not exist yet when the video was done. Do I need to amend them, especially the host? Many Thanks for your reply and help!
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