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  1. Many thanks for the confirmation, I really appreciate it. I have seen that setup being mentioned, but it was never clarified what steps were required in case if failures. I am assuming that I can just add another drive of the same size and configure it as parity drive for the existing one, am I correct?
  2. Hi, many thanks for your reply. The thing I don't have clear is that if I add a 2nd drive as parity, and the primary disk fails, can I still access the data on the parity one? Or do I have to replace the failed disk and rebuild it from the parity one? I prefer to have an internal drive rather than an external one, as long as I can remove it in case of emergency and read the data from another machine.
  3. Hi, I am new here, and I have been looking for something that may help with my requirements. I have already setup Unraid with a 12 TB disk for data and a 240 GB SSD for cache. I want to backup the entire content of the 12 TB disk, but I don't want to use external drives. I was thinking of getting another 12 TB disk for backups, install it internally, and then have a copy of ALL data from the primary disk. Would that be feasible? Is there a sort of mirroring option available? Also, in case of hardware or primary disk failure, I would like to be able to remove the backup disk and access the data from a Windows machine (using 3rd party tools to access the file system). Many thanks in advance.
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