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  1. Stilll no luck, even with everything from the faq checked. also did a run of memtest, which worked fine. tower-diagnostics-20240515-0956.zip syslog-
  2. It just had another random restart. edit: Just checked bios again. Forgot the Power suply idle control, and had only set c-states to disabled. Monitoring again. syslog- tower-diagnostics-20240515-0239.zip
  3. Apparently my Bios was so old, it didn't know/show c-states yet. Ran an BIOS upgrade, to the latest version, and disabled states. I'm gonna monitor the system a little, and see if it helped. Thanks for the hint.
  4. Lately I've been seeing restarts at random Intervals, and I think I need someone to look into this, who understands it better than me. Grabbed Diagnostics and Syslog right after the last restart happened, and attached here. I'm seeing some entries, that the CPU is apparently not supported, which I believe are new. It's a AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT 6-Core @ 3800 MHz, without any overclocking. tower-diagnostics-20240514-1953.zip syslog-
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