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  1. Hi, tomorrow I will be replacing my 500gb WD SN700 cache drive for 1 TB nvme drive. Currently I'm using btrfs as filesystem and it is working with no issues at all. I wonder whether going for ZFS for my new cache drive for small home user worth any potential problems and if any what advantages I would have. Again, I emphatise for normal home user (hobbyst) so no super fancy build with tons of drives. Just low powered intel N100 with 2 x 10Tb drives.
  2. I have 2 bay NAS where I installed unraid beta and works well so far, I have 2 x 10tb drives availabel + 1TB nvme for cache. I wonder is for such setup woth having 1 parity or just skip it and go for a big 20tb pool.
  3. Hi, I am on latest unraid 7 beta 2 and I cannot solve this problem, I was trying to move a folder with midnight commander from my downloads share (located in cache) to my media share (located in disk 1 in array) but it turned up that it never moved the file only like symlink so it was showing up as being in disk1 but the file itself was still in downloads. What I did was to move the file manually with the UI file browser integrated in unraid 7. Now my media share it is showing 2 disks, cache and disk 1 when actually there are no files from cache in disk 1. Any ideas how to solve this? I just want to show the right info which is media >> disk1 only thanks EDIT: for some reason there was a media folder within cache /mnt/cache/media after deleting this /media empty folder no more showing 2 drives in /media share.
  4. Hi, I wonder is there any plugin that cleans up the leftovers from uninstalled plugins like app clean for docker files. Thanks
  5. Hi, I will try to replicate this and report back. There is one more thing that I noticed this morning, after my disks had spin down the lights are still on, no off nor pulsing like in regular ugreen, also the logs have the following warnings. Any ideas? Thanks
  6. Hi, I can confirm that the UGREEN LED driver works on 2 bay model DXP2800, however I have seen a little glitch, when I reboot the server then the power led keeps blinking even after has restarted, only a full shutdown fix the blinking. Thanks
  7. Hi, I wonder if there is any way to change the default terminal size when starts up. Thanks
  8. Hi, I have an old system with debian in raid 1, I want to transfer 1 of the disk to unraid but I want to copy the data over before wiping it. Is this possible? I tried unassigned devices plugin but it wont mount the disk due to: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'
  9. Ok thanks, I will try it and report back. Thanks
  10. No yet, as I have not installed unraid in this NAS yet, but I wanted to know if it works. Thanks
  11. Hi, does this plugin work with the 2 bay model too? thanks
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