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  1. I just checked this. When I use my standard user it says uid=1026 and GID=100. I am not sure which user i should check the ids. Or do i define the user with entering the uid? In this case maybe the UID99 was wrong. But somehow today everything is working again. Just by using securitytypes=none instead of vnc. Ah okay. But the version I'm using seems to be the newest version integrated into Diskstation natively. And as it is working again today this seems to be not an issue.
  2. datestreamcontent 2024-07-11T08:37:03.593445996ZstdoutFluxbox crashed with exit code 1. Respawning.. 2024-07-11T08:37:03.591565911ZstdoutError: cannot open display: :99 2024-07-11T08:37:03.539995914Zstdout---Starting Thunderbird--- 2024-07-11T08:37:02.422123975ZstdoutFluxbox crashed with exit code 1. Respawning.. 2024-07-11T08:37:01.535297222Zstdout - Backgrounding (daemon) 2024-07-11T08:37:01.535097945Zstdout - No SSL/TLS support (no cert file) 2024-07-11T08:37:01.534552629Zstdout - Web server. Web root: /usr/share/novnc 2024-07-11T08:37:01.534298962Zstdout - Listen on :8080 2024-07-11T08:37:01.534108445ZstdoutWebSocket server settings: 2024-07-11T08:37:01.112697365ZstdoutFluxbox crashed with exit code 1. Respawning.. 2024-07-11T08:37:00.128997086Zstdout---Starting noVNC server--- 2024-07-11T08:36:59.773466622ZstdoutFluxbox crashed with exit code 1. Respawning.. 2024-07-11T08:36:58.568328885ZstdoutFluxbox crashed with exit code 1. Respawning.. 2024-07-11T08:36:58.128573769Zstdout---Starting Fluxbox--- 2024-07-11T08:36:55.955941940Zstdout---Starting TurboVNC server--- 2024-07-11T08:36:55.927831316Zstdout---Checking for old display lock files--- 2024-07-11T08:36:55.909576290Zstdout---Checking for old logfiles--- 2024-07-11T08:36:55.909513171Zstdout---Resolution check--- 2024-07-11T08:36:55.909285530Zstdout---Preparing Server--- 2024-07-11T08:36:55.908297594Zstdout---Thunderbird not found!--- 2024-07-11T08:36:54.313463063Zstdout---Starting...--- 2024-07-11T08:36:54.297677146Zstdout---Taking ownership of data...--- 2024-07-11T08:36:54.297198602ZstdoutNothing to do, noVNC compression set to default 2024-07-11T08:36:54.293068621ZstdoutNothing to do, noVNC qaulity set to default 2024-07-11T08:36:54.288029253ZstdoutNothing to do, noVNC resizing set to default 2024-07-11T08:36:54.253179266Zstdout---Checking configuration for noVNC--- 2024-07-11T08:36:54.252797376Zstdout---No optional script found, continuing--- 2024-07-11T08:36:54.225810256Zstdout---Checking for optional scripts--- 2024-07-11T08:36:54.225651804Zstdout---Setting umask to 000--- 2024-07-11T08:36:53.752119258Zstdout---Ensuring GID: 100 matches user--- 2024-07-11T08:36:53.442870409Zstdout---Ensuring UID: 99 matches user---
  3. I did both several times. Docker version is 20.10.3-1308, which seems to be the newest version. here my env variables: Run command is /opt/scripts/start.sh
  4. Hello, I have the exact same error. I got it working once and after a restart I get this. My container and docker is running on a synology diskstation. I already reinstalled docker, deleted the docker folder, reinstalled the container in docker and restartet the diskstation. The error still occures.
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