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  1. Too be honest I don't know if they have the same mod packs. I should look into that, but shouldn't they atleast be able to connect in some fashion? I assumed they would download the mod pack from the server but I guess not.
  2. Ok so I am at a loss here. I have tried running all of these modded servers for my kids but I cant for the life of me to get it to work. A few points, the only thing I have changed is I run it in host instead of bridge (If its in bridge it wont connect and download the packages for some reason even though I run several dockers in bridge) and I change the EULA value to true. Everything else is left the same so I dont create problems but they still cant connect. Here is a snippet of the end of my code after it loaded for a while below. What am I doing wrong? [16:45:07] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 tertium_sickle, missing knowledge for {1 prudentium_sickle=1.0} [16:45:07] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 supremium_axe, missing knowledge for {1 imperium_axe=1.0} [16:45:07] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 supremium_sickle, missing knowledge for {1 imperium_sickle=1.0} [16:45:07] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 imperium_chestplate, missing knowledge for {1 tertium_chestplate=1.0} [16:45:07] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 supremium_pickaxe, missing knowledge for {1 imperium_pickaxe=1.0} [16:45:07] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 inferium_axe, missing knowledge for {1 diamond_axe=1.0} [16:45:07] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 supremium_boots, missing knowledge for {1 imperium_boots=1.0} [16:45:07] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 imperium_sword, missing knowledge for {1 tertium_sword=1.0} [16:45:07] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Finished recipe profiler for Arc Recycling, took 364 milliseconds [16:45:07] [Server thread/WARN] [ModernFix/]: Dedicated server took 157.586 seconds to load
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