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  1. I dont have it every day, but ocasionaly the bookshelv-server just "hangs", also cant use the webgui anymore. maybe 3 times in ten days. It never happens in times of use. only when its idle.
  2. Hi, i found a reproduceable issue: i use a i5-13500 with 6 P and 8 E-cores Every "conversion" of MP3-Based Audiobook into a M4A-Based-Audiobook (using the Web-GUI) occupies a single P-Core. Once the CPU runs out of P Cores and i add a further conversion-task the docker-container crashes. 6 Parallel MP3 Audiobook to M4a Aduiobook = OK 7 Parallel MP3 Audiobook to M4a Aduiobook = Container-crash No "Cpu-Pinning" is used. all default. DB-Corruptions happened in 2 out 4 Tests after the container-crash.
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