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  1. sorry if my question is stupid but am trying to install the container and can't follow the steps. i would like to run it with option 2 since 1 seems the least secure and 3 is not for me since i'm fairly new with unraid docker etc. My Problem with option 2 is that the container i followed the steps and edit my mosquitto-unraid-default.conf file in the lines 28-30 and deleted the # so it looks like this: listener 1883 protocol mqtt password_file /mosquitto/config/passwd now i start the container and it stops again. The logs show: 1726144166: Loading config file /mosquitto/config/mosquitto-unraid-default.conf 1726144166: mosquitto version 2.0.18 starting 1726144166: Config loaded from /mosquitto-unraid/include_dir.conf. 1726144166: Error: Unable to open pwfile "/mosquitto/config/passwd". 1726144166: Error opening password file "/mosquitto/config/passwd". !! ATTENTION: MANUAL CONFIGURATION IS REQUIRED !! Due to security hardening in Mosquitto 2.0, you MUST TAKE MANUAL ACTION to reenable MQTT in this container! OPTION 1: Set RUN_INSECURE_MQTT_SERVER to 1 in this container's settings OPTION 2: Edit the file "mosquitto-unraid-default.conf" in your configuration path for more details (Usually /mnt/user/appdata/mosquitto) OPTION 3: Update your customized Mosquitto configuration to configure at least one listener. See https://mosquitto.org/documentation/migrating-to-2-0/ https://github.com/cmccambridge/mosquitto-unraid#authentication tells me to run (i assume in the unraid console since the container wont even start) docker exec -it mosquitto touch /mosquitto/config/passwd but the console shows me Error response from daemon: Container b5dfb6360ea02ebf58e744cc1c166ff04e2e0496f46bb4cb778e0c2a4506698f is not running if i do. which makes sense since the container is not running but it autostops every time i tell it to start. any ideas whats wrong? i did not change anything else. screenshot of the containersetup is attached.
  2. @JPDVM2014 thanks! that did it! also thanks for mentioning the delete/rename - i'm fairly new with this 🙃 @adambeck7 if you are still looking for a solution this worked for me!
  3. @JPDVM2014 thanks for the fast answer! renamed it and the file got recreated but no change. also the file seems to be empty (at least its shown in "shares" as 0 B). mmh
  4. Hi, not the same person but the same problem ERROR: error loading configuration (strconv.ParseBool: parsing "": invalid syntax) pictures below. any ideas? I also tried the local ip of my unraid and "readeck" without the quotes as host but that didn't change anything.
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