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  1. Nevermind. Got it sorted. I uninstalled the container, deleted the Satisfactory directory from appdata, then reinstalled the container. At that point, the server appeared online in the game, but I got the API error. After that I followed the previous suggestion to enable IPv4 + IPv6 and that fixed it all for me. Again, thanks for all the hard work!
  2. Ich77 - thanks for the great plugin. I've been using it for a long time without a hitch. Unfortunately, even after following today's posts on the topic, I'm still having issues (for me it's still the --ERROR: Couldn't find a game executable, something went probably wrong with the download!---). I've updated the container, then removed it and reinstalled it multiple times all with the same result. I went as far as uninstalling the container, rebooting the server, and reinstalling, just in case that would have helped. Any idea what I should do to fix it? Thanks! Satisfactory Error.txt
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