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Posts posted by Stanley

  1. If your DNS is set to CUSTOM1 in the settings, and pihole is working, then unbound is working.  


    I think there's a way to enable logging in unbound, but I've never bothered since it's never given me any issues.  


    I've been testing this docker container and it's been running fine. The updates seem a bit sporadic, but I haven't had any issues.


  2. Rikdegraaff, have you mapped the /mnt/disk7/UsenetDL folder in the SABnzbd docker?




    In the example above, you would reference /data to get to the /mnt/user/Downloads folder. By mapping the folders, you don't reference the actual folder path. You can replace the Downloads folder with the path you listed (/mnt/disk7/UsenetDL)

  3. I saw a similar error a couple weeks ago. My error was "/usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory." The solution I found somewhere (either here in the unraid forums, or in the Sab forums) was to change the first line of the "sabToSickBeard.py" file



    #!/usr/bin/env python



    #!/usr/bin/env python2


    Does your top line have an "\r" in it? If so, you may need to remove it.

  4. Where you ever able to get something working with v6?


    With the ACD $5 sale recently, I'm looking for a way to encrypt my stuff before uploading to Amazon. When looking for different options, I stumbled across encfs, and then found your plugin when looking for an unraid variant. Thanks!

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