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Posts posted by joshpond

  1. Hi all,


    I have a portable USB that is encrypted with Veracrypt to backup some files from a Win 10 PC.


    I can plug it into the unRaid server and mount via unassigned devices but as it's encrypted it won't be recognised.


    Is there a way to have unRaid either copy the encrypted files as is (I can copy off and unencrypt it at the Win 10 PC when needed)


    Have veracrypt on unraid (via Docker or something) and copy the files onto the array unencrypted.


    Thanks, Josh

  2. Hi all, older machine that I turn on and off occasionally but now considering running full time and looking at options regarding upgrading.

    I may need to go down that path as some of the HDDs are old. (still some 1.5TB HDDS!) but checking if it will also reduce my power draw.


    Currently draws around 80w at idle with array spun down (160w spun up):


    Pentium G4400

    Asrock Z170 Extreme6+ (With M1015 x2 or whatever they were)

    18 disks in array + 2 constant spin (Docker and VM) and 1x SSD Cache

    I think AX860 PSU??? or something.

    3 Dockers (emoncms openhab & Database one) and 1 VM (Ubuntu Server)

    Norco 4224 Case with original fans.


    It all runs fine but thinking of moving to just HDDs off the motheboard (ie 5 array) but what can I expect power wise.

    I know the cost to upgrade isn't going to be recouped by energy savings but.....


    Will it be a big reduction?

    What are people getting?


    Hope it all makes sense.

    Thanks, Josh


  3. @kaigauy are you backing up to unRaid protected array or elsewhere?


    Just a possible heads up for others:


    I get some vmdk errors with thin VM backing up as thin to unRaid server and it stops.


    This seems to suggest if the NFS datastore can't support thin provisioning then backup may fail.


    If I backup the thin VM as zeroedthick it seems to work with this note popping up:

    DISKLIB-FLAT : Unable to reserve the space: The specified feature is not supported by this version. But the disk will be created: "/vmfs/volumes................VMNAME-flat.vmdk".

    It then keeps going along and you end up with the three files



    -flat.vmdk (which is the big file)


    I haven't tried restoring from this but so far this is the only way to get a backup that runs through.

    I'll add more as I test more.



  4. Any plans for 5.05?  My old way of using the plpbt.iso does not seem to work anymore - I have to manually select the boot process each time the VM ever needs to be restarted.


    Currently running 5.05 and anxious to give this a try.




    Have you made a custom plop iso that boots into USB?



  5. I would like to ask again as I did not see a reply to my original question.


    I currently have Unraid installed and working great as a server.  I would like to keep all my content and current configuration but move the unraid instance to a virtual machine as the server is being underutilized.  Assuming this is possible, is there special instructions I can follow to accomplish this?  Can someone with a bit of knowledge please give me feedback or a bit of guidance?  I would like to run a mythtv back-end on the same server for home pvr.


    My CPU (Celeron G1610 Processor) supports VT-x but not vt-d.  My motherboard (asrock b75 pro3-m vt-x) supports vt-d.  Is it worth updating my CPU to also support vt-d?




    I've just finished moving my unRaid build inside a ESXi VM with new controllers as well. As mentioned you will need a controller you can pass through and VT-D. Take a screen shot of your array/disks first for backup. when you power up the VM just reassign the disks and you are good to go. With version 5 I don't think you even need to assign the disks.



  6. Okay at a pc now:

    Use chown to change the users to nobody

    chown nobody:users file.name

    Add -R if it is a directory and you want it to apply to all files

    chown -R nobody:users directory

    See how that goes.


    If you also need to mod permissions:

    chmod XXX file.name

    XXX is the octal that you need. 777  will work for everything but you probably don't need quite that much.

    Read this, it will explain it pretty well.


    -R after chomd for recursive to apply to all files.



  7. Hi All,


    I've just go me some M1015 SAS9220-8i and am about to flash the cards to IT mode.


    I've read a few of the pages but 45 is a lot.


    I'm going to follow the first post: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=12767.msg121131#msg121131

    LSI Megaraid SAS2008 chip as from what I read that is what I need even for the SAS9220


    Only thing I've noticed is the original zip files are running p10. Is this still enough or should I be trying for p17 on these and how would I do that?


    Thanks Josh

  8. The popcorn hour will natively do both nfs and smb. My jukebox/yamj is via a smb share so I can use symlinks. I also have a nfs share that goes directly to the files.


    Cache dirs is running so that stops spinup when just viewing the file list.


    I remember reading somewhere that the nfs shares start a little faster than the smb shares when starting up, less delay. The nfs share is also a little faster than the smb but I haven't had an issue with the smb shares and bd.iso.


    I use the ssd as part of the array for the jukebox and use symlinks. Just be aware that symlinks can only be seen via smb. I believe that if you wish to use nfs for the jukebox links to the movies you might have to check out the mount command.



  9. Same here, I found more problems with 2 download threads. (I run with a sempron 2 processing, 1 download)


    I just run the yamj-rescan command inside screen so It can run in the background.




  10. I don't think you can mount the usb into the array, you have to mount it separately outside of the array. You can try something like the snap add on or the myMain may have some simpler solution to mount the usb drive.


    If you do it manually it is possible but can be more difficult, esp if you haven't used linux much.


    If someone doesn't get back I'll have a look later if I get the chance.



  11. If I go the cache drive route, can I still mount my Movie share on the PCH, or is there no need to? Just mount the cache share, and it will just reference the Movies on /mnt/user/Media/[TV | Movies] ok?  I think I recall it being a problem doing something like this since PCH can only (natively) mount one drive at a time.


    Not 100% sure what you mean but if you mount the cache share within the pch, the easiest is to create a symlink from the cache to the media files. (Can only do Samba)




                        -->@movies (symlink to mnt/user/movies)


    you can then also put the mnt/user/movies into the PCH also so if you haven't updated the YAMJ wall you can still browse through the files individually.


    Replace cache with usb or SSD.

    My setup is with ssd as disk 20 so that I also get parity protection of my artwork etc.


    I was thinking along the same lines. I think I have enough space. I have 3.9GB free and my jukebox is only 1.1GB. the rest of the YAMJ files don't add up to much. I add new stuff and run rescans everyday or maybe every other day. Think that is too often for my boot drive to handle?


    I'd just get a new USB drive. you should have plenty of USB ports and they are cheap.



  12. I have mine running from an ssd. Just an elcheapo kingston 30gb one.


    Could probably run from a usb flash drive too if you wanted. I used the symlinks as mentioned by Tom on page 6 I think it is. You just have to make sure you use samba shares as symlinks aren't visable in NFS.


    I asked a question a few posts back about poss mounting for NFs but didn't get an answer so not sure about the process for NFS.


    Thanks Josh

  13. Okay figured out why my Jukebox setting wasn't working like that mentioned by Tom.



    Have all the Jukebox, YAMJ and index.htm files on an ssd with share Jukebox and a symlink to Media folder.


    the problem with the Popcorn Hour was that the share was setup as a NFS share. I now realise after much headbanging that NFS shares won't see symlinks. You have to set it up as a Samba share.



    I believe to setup a NFS share I have to mount the folder is that right?

    How do I do that?

    cd /mnt/user/Jukebox
    mnt -t ?? /mnt/user/Media /mnt/user/Jukebox/Media

    What goes in the ????

    When I browse to the jukebox on the ssd, no other hdd should spin up right?


    thanks Josh

  14. I think you can run with 1GB but you have to turn down the number of threads, or maybe that was CPU power. Been a while since I looked but have a look at the settings, somewhere you can turn down the settings.



  15. Quote from: joshpond on February 26, 2011, 05:21:21 PM

    I'm having a little difficulty with getting the yamj and jukebox moved to the ssd.


    I used to have:




      - YAMJ

      - Jukebox


    Josh, I would say only Jukebox and index.htm from within the Media/ folder should be links and point to their location on the SSD. That's all you need to change. Everything else like library.xml stays the same as Jukebox and index.htm doesn't look to YAMJ as being moved at all (links in place now).


    Thanks for the help Starcat.

    I'm getting a bit lost with the symlinks but I'm trying to set it up like Tom's


    That way there is no index.htm on the Media share so you can still browse as per normal. The Jukebox share has all the files and the index.htm so the popcorn hour goes straight there and when media is selected and played it goes via the symlink to the media folder.


    have I got that right?


    Thanks Josh

  16. Hi all,


    I'm having a little difficulty with getting the yamj and jukebox moved to the ssd.


    I used to have:




      - YAMJ

      - Jukebox


    and My_Library.xml looked like this:

       <exclude name="YAMJ/, Cartoons/, Jukebox/"/>


    I've created a Jukebox Share like with the symlink to Media like this




      - Media@ symlink

      - YAMJ

      - Jukebox

    New My_Library.xml

        <exclude name="YAMJ/, Cartoons/, Jukebox/"/>


    I've tried Jukebox and also TOWER:Jukebox (Never needed TOWER with previous Media share)

    I can access all the html files, get to the movie but when enter to play it just goes black and then comes back to the YAMJ page for that movie.


    Is it possibly a permissions issue?

    The Media@ in Jukebox is light blue and when I mount in Ubuntu to view the files:

    mount -t nfs TOWERIP:/mnt/user/Jukebox mnt/Jukebox

    It shows through the file browser as;

    This link cannot be used, because its target "/mnt/user/Media" doesn't exist.

    OR is it looking for the /mnt/user/Media locally?


    any other suggestions?


    Thanks Josh

  17. Thanks,


    I think I am leaning towards the SSD, they do cost a bit more than the usb sticks, that's why they were considered.


    Then, you may create a single Jukebox folder on a single disk that is above your defined split level.


    My split levels are set fairly high to allow for: /mnt/user/Media/TV Shows/??? TV/Season 1

    The jukebox would be set at /mnt/user/jukebox


    If I'm not wrong, the jukebox share would be set to include disk(ssd) only so hopefully keeping all jukebox files there and then running a symlink like Tom was mentioning to the /mnt/user/Media share.


    This would allow me on the popcorn hour to go to either the jukebox share for the index.html or to the Media share just for a list of all files.


    Thanks Josh

  18. hi all,


    I'm thinking of changing my YAMJ to more like what Tom has running.


    Currently I run Yamj and the jukebox on unRAID on my movies share (a bit lazy but I think the jukebox files have ended up over a few disks so it's spinning up a few disks just to read/display the Yamj wall).


    I'd like to move all the jukebox files onto a ssd to eliminate the wait and the spin up of drives and also can skip Yamj if I don't want it.


    Question is, should I have the jukebox files on another USB or a ssd sata drive?


    Also does anyone know if a 2.5in SSD drive will fit in one of the Norco hot swap caddies?


    Thanks Josh

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