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Everything posted by mazma

  1. Of course! Sorry, in all the years I've had unRaid I've never had to replace a disk and with this new guy I was a bit confused. Think I've got it from here. Thanks!
  2. Hey All, Running 6.0 Beta 14b with Dynamix webGui v2015.02.25. Haven't looked at the server for a while but just checked in and it was showing I had a faulty disk. For the life of me I couldn't figure out how to run a parity check with this new gui, so I stopped the array, checked the box for maintenance mode. Couldn't find anything for parity check so restarted the array. That disk is now showing as an unassigned device. If I select that disk and re-start the array it shows as "not installed" on the Array Devices tab. Whats the best way forward here? Excerpt from log below. Thanks!
  3. So in the end I figured out it was a permissions thing and file location thing. If I placed the authorized_keys file in /root/.ssh via the go script it wouldn't work because the file was placed in the root of root@Tower:/# ls bin/ boot/ dev/ etc/ home/ init@ lib/ lib64/ mnt/ nohup.out proc/ root/ run/ sbin/ sys/ tmp/ usr/ var/ but if it was in the root of this [coderoot@Tower:/# cd ~ root@Tower:~# ls mdcmd* powerdown@ samba@[/code] then I could connect. If I wanted to connect as a different user, in my case 'pi', it wouldn't work because the file ownership of the .ssh directory and the authorized_keys file were wrong. So in the end I added this to my go script which works fine: mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh chmod 700 $HOME/.ssh chown pi:users $HOME/.ssh cp /boot/custom/ssh/authorized_keys $HOME/.ssh chmod 600 $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys chown pi:users $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
  4. thanks for this. I seem to be going around in circles however. I did get this to work by copying id_rsa.pub to authorized_keys on the Pi, then copied authorized keys to the unraid server and amended the permissions to 600. This was all as root which I don't want, so via the go script I added: mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh cat /boot/custom/ssh/id_rsa.pub >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod 700 $HOME/.ssh chmod 600 $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys Rebooted. No go. Asked me for the password. Beforehand syslog would show the error re permissions on connecting, now it doesn't show anything. So I then removed all that from the go script and syslog still doesn't show the errors it did previously lol. This is taking way to long lol. Any help is appreciated.
  5. Hoping for a reply This is what I've done so far. 1. Created a user called pi in unraid. 2. Mapped users home directory to /boot/custom via /etc/passwd 3. Created a .ssh directory in /boot/custom with: mkdir -p ~/.ssh touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys 4. On the pi I created the keys with blank password: 5. Copied the public key to the .ssh directory on unraid scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub pi@ip_address 6. Added the contents of the public to authorized_keys cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys As I understand it, that should be it. But when ssh'ing from the pi to unraid I still get prompted for a password. From the syslog upon trying to connect: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for file /boot/custom/.ssh/authorized_keys Using unraid 6.b12 Thanks!
  6. Looking for guidance on how to setup a passwordless rsync from my Raspberry Pi to a share on unRaid. I have rsync working just fine but I need to bypass the password request. Rsync will be copying files from the unRaid share to a local folder on the Pi. I've done a fair bit of Googling and read many things including generating the ssh keys but none of which have worked for me. Thanks in advance!
  7. What command are you running On the original beets install I didn't get an error when running just an response telling me to provide a path. That install didn't work though. After reinstalling with the EDGE variable that same command does throw the error detailed by BretV, however once you put the path in all works fine.
  8. [smacks Head] Although I had amended ui-properties on my laptop with the unpaid server details, I didn't notice they weren't un-commented. Duh. Un commented them and the Tower popped right up in the Crashplan gui. Sorry!
  9. Thanks for the reply. So are you supposed to select the shares you want backed up via the crash plan app? Right now nothing is backing up and no files are selected for backup. Not sure if I'm supposed to do something as you specify the data share when you set up the docker image.
  10. So I've installed the docker app and the crash plan app on my mac. I've updated the ui-properties file on my mac. Are you still supposed to select which shares to backup via the Crash Plan app? If I want to actually use the service for my mac I have to restore the ui-properties file on my mac which in turn would stop the backup on UnRaid? So basically there isn't a way to have both running ? On another note, my array is 18tb or so. Anyone backed up that size and how long did it take?
  11. Cool. Just to let you know the whole thing is running now with CouchPotato, Sickbeard, Sabnzbd, Plex so it is possible.
  12. Just when you think its all done. If the container id stays the same each time you stop/start the apache docker your changes will remain. Once the container id changes the docker image reverts to its default state, i.e. without your apache changes. Anyone know how to commit the changes into your own image?
  13. Ok, so there is a change to the above. 1. If you haven't already, you have to add a path to the docker to point to your nzbfiles directory. You can't complete the wizard otherwise. 2. I had to amend the docker path to point to the nnplus directory instead of the www directory. If you don't you can't access the misc folder which contains all of the update scripts. I tried to add a docker path to this but it didn't work. 3. Because of the above, you need to update sphinx.php to reflect the new paths - so instead ("/app/config.php"); becomes ("/app/www/config.php"); and so on for the rest of them. 4. You have to connect to the docker to run the scripts.
  14. I have this 90% done. Once you complete the newznab wizard the website will be blank. This is because a number of changes need to be made to the apache2.conf in addition to making some path changes in one of the newznab files itself. So first connect to your docker running apache by: docker ps (note down the dockers container id) docker exec -t -i "your container id here" /bin/bash This will take you into the docker file. The apache con file is split into multiple parts rather than one big con file which you normally see. So cd /etc/apache2 sudo vi apache2.conf Scroll down and amend the AllowOveride section to All Then :wq out then enable the mod rewrite module. cp mods_available/rewrite.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled The last part is for newznab itself. The newznab guy tries to php include a bunch of files but the path to them are wrong due to the docker. cd /app/lib sudo vi sphinx.php At the top of this file you will see six includes. Change them to: require_once("/app/config.php"); require_once("/app/lib/framework/db.php"); require_once("/app/lib/category.php"); require_once("/app/lib/nzb.php"); require_once("/app/lib/releasefiles.php"); require_once("/app/lib/util.php"); :wq exit Stop start the apache docker and you should be good.
  15. Ok, so I can now access the files in the docker and amend the Apache config. When I try to access NewzNab I get this in the apache error log: PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/app/lib /../../www/config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /app/lib/sphinx.php on line 11 Any idea?
  16. Looks like you can access the files inside of a running docker by: docker exec -t -i mycontainer /bin/bash where mycontainer os the docker process id which you can get by docker ps
  17. ok - so you can't access the site afterwards. I seem to remember having this before on the mac setup - pretty sure it had something to do with some apache settings: * mod_rewrite enabled * AllowOverride All set in conf to allow ``.htaccess`` to specify rewrite rules Any idea how to access httpd.conf as its in a container?
  18. For now I just had the host path point at the root of my web server folder. I have MariaDB installed but connect to that. How did you do it? So I'm guessing the php.ini file is inside the docker container? How do you access that?
  19. If I remove the www from the host path and go to the install.php page you no longer get the schema error.
  20. So the schema is located inside the nnplus folder - could is be a path thing when you setup apache?
  21. ok - got that done. So now I get the db scheme error you mentioned - funny thing was I didn't get that when I used the other apache install.
  22. So does this need to be done from the command line or can it be added via the docker app thingy?
  23. I didn't use a docker for Apache - it was some url plugin for unRaid 6. Can't remember where I found it. If you have a docker for it let me know!
  24. Is there a minimum spec system needed to use Docker? I've upgraded to UnRaid 6b12 and installed the Plex docker. So far I haven't been able to get consistent playback where it was fine on unRaid 5. My system is a Intel Core Duo Quad core with 4Gb ram. Prior to unRaid 6 I had Plex, Sickbeard, Couch, Sabnzbd all running just fine on this setup. I amended my system to have a cache drive and have created the Plex library on a hidden folder on the cache drive. Playback isn't consistent. It didn't make any difference when I placed the Plex library in the array (where it had been for years). Any advice would be appreciated.
  25. Thanks for the offer, but its ok. I just ended up re-adding all the media just to get it going.
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