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Posts posted by jamerson9

  1. This is more for a reminder to myself how I got things working as this is the second time I had to figure out how to do this.


    I was already using v5 hamachi plug-in and used the saved config files located at:




    Created a folder in cache




    and copied the config files into that folder.


    ran at the linux prompt


    docker pull gfjardim/hamachi


    and then


    docker run -d --name="Hamachi" --net="host" --privileged="true" -e ACCOUNT="[email protected]" -v "/mnt/cache/Apps/Hamachi/":"/config":rw -v "/etc/localtime":"/etc/localtime":ro gfjardim/hamachi

  2. Attached are two unMENU .conf files for HandBrake.


    handbrake-unmenu-package.conf is for installing 0.9.5, the most recent release version of HandBrake (same as what was posted a few months back).


    handbrake-svn-unmenu-package.conf is for installing the most recent SVN build of HandBrake, 3853 (I haven't tested this one, so please give me feedback).


    If you're not using unMENU, and still want to use HandBrake, here are the URLs for HandBrake for unRAID:



    Thank you for the nightly release, it will save me the bother of having to mux in HD audio track back in. I'll report back if there is any problems with it.

  3. kapperz, I haven't updated it beyond 0.9.5, and that's what the current unmenu .conf is referencing. Since the handbrake unmenu .conf isn't distributed as part of Joe L.'s unmenu, there's no current way to autoupdate.


    However, if there's a desire for me to compile a newer snapshot, or a newer final version comes out, post in this thread, and I can compile and update the .conf file.

    I would appreciate if you could compile a newer snapshot. I've read that they now have better HD audio support that was not supported in 0.9.5.



  4. Very nice and clean.  I dig your project link too.  What SATA cables are you using?


    Thanks. The SATA Cables are from www.monoprice.com (another great site I learned about from this forum). They are KGear GC18AKM SATA3 cables. I ordered them color-coded.


    Red = Data

    Blue = Parity

    Black = Cache

    Dang! That's a nice idea. Next time when I need more cables, I'll see if I can order a rainbow set.  :)

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